Archives: Exclusive Articles

Towards net zero

Kelly Lavender, Journalist, PES Climate summit delegates gathered for COP26 in November, making pledges to limit global temperature increases and changes to the climate. A shift towards renewable energy plays a large and important role, with the onus on wind, solar and hydrogen to help pave the way to a net zero future. As world… Read more »

Wave data on board in real time

Offshore workers know the challenges of finding the right weather windows and suitable sea states. Often it’s a race against time in order to finish the operations within safe conditions. Or worse, you sail out and discover it was all for nothing, due to rough seas and you have to sail back to harbour. Read… Read more »

The residential revolution: technologies fit for the new era of solar

Words: Florian Chan, Managing Director, Residential Line of Business at FIMER Intersolar 2021 not only saw the return of one of the seminal global events in the solar industry it also provided the platform for FIMER to launch its revolutionary new inverter and storage solutions for the residential PV market, the ‘Power’ portfolio. What was… Read more »

New sizing of wind turbine generators (WTGs) requires a new perspective of wind towers

The wind market is continuously evolving to bigger and more powerful WTGs, both onshore and offshore, each one has its limitations, but they need to include new solutions and continue to reduce the associated LCoE. Until now, the onshore market has represented approximately 70% of the total MW installed (GWEC), but offshore is growing. Onshore… Read more »

Offshore wind targets: what might stop us hitting them?

If everything goes smoothly, then the UK’s offshore wind industry should be well on track to hit the Government’s target of 40 Gigawatts (GW) of generation capacity by 2030, but this is not an industry that’s accustomed to everything going smoothly. Chris Towner, Partner and renewable energy specialist at law firm Womble Bond Dickinson, looks… Read more »

Prevention better than cure during icing season

As our winters get colder and turbines get bigger, icing presents a host of potential pitfalls for wind farmers. Wicetec looks to overcome these challenges with its Ice Prevention System, helping to avoid a repeat of the Texas big freeze power outage earlier this year. PES caught up with Petteri Antikainen, the company’s Co-Founder and… Read more »

Offshore wind: where next?

The pace of the clean energy revolution is speeding up in an international effort to curb global warming and offshore wind power is set to play a pivotal role in achieving the CO2 reduction targets of many of the world’s coastal countries. It is widely perceived that offshore wind is set to grow by around… Read more »

Using lidar to solve the challenges of offshore wind farms

As global interest in wind energy continues to grow, an increasing number of projects are looking out to sea, where the vast ocean expanse allows offshore wind farms to cover more area, erect larger turbines and generate more energy. Offshore wind is expected to constitute 20% of total wind energy installations by 2025. While Europe… Read more »

Fully protected

The offshore wind energy industry has seen enormous growth in recent years and it doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon. Those in the industry will know the stats: the offshore wind energy market is forecast to reach $42bn by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 13.6% from 2020 to 2025. The focus for… Read more »

Enabling data to drive the future of offshore robotics

Vaarst, the new technology spin-off company from Rovco launched March 2021, with the vision to bring artificial intelligence, machine learning and autonomy to all offshore robotics. Enabling the integration of their technology into all robotic vehicles, both new and as a retrofit solution to existing ROVs. A technology company borne from a services business Rovco,… Read more »

Tech disruption in offshore wind

Think of a future where the offshore wind supply chain connects in real time. Picture a wind turbine technician installing, maintaining, and fixing components with the support of shore-side staff connected through their eyes and ears. The experts are supporting the technicians through every step of a critical job. Envision the crew of a CTV… Read more »

A giant with a brain

Smart turbines: embedded intelligence is the next engine growth factor for the automotive industry. Specialists estimate that in less than 10 years, the software element will represent 60% of the value of a vehicle, compared to 20% today. When you think about the pace of change in the wind industry today, we can expect a… Read more »

Adopt a ‘renewables-first mindset’ by investing in offshore wind

The UK’s offshore wind industry is forecast to account for a quarter of the world’s offshore wind capacity by 2022. It will also be the only country in the world to generate more wind power off the coast than on land There is growing pressure from public and private bodies to avert the climate crisis… Read more »

A holistic approach to wind energy

Kaveh Etemadi, Managing Director, ROBUR Wind GmbH and Director Global Sales of the whole Business Unit ROBUR WND, spoke to PES about his holistic vison and approach to wind: turbines, assets and services. This company offers a total package throughout the life of a turbine, with training and H&S permeating every aspect. Firmly established in… Read more »

Supply chain success is critical for offshore wind

As applicants prepare submissions for Crown Estate Scotland’s ScotWind programme, the leasing round for offshore wind farms in Scottish waters, our industry must sharply turn its attention to the formation and delivery of successful supply chain partnerships that will enable us to apply our knowledge of developing wind power whilst taking learnings from the long-established… Read more »

In search of carbon-neutral maritime transport

The Danish shipping company MHO-Co is heading a consortium focused on developing green solutions for the future of the entire maritime industry. In partnership with Danfoss, Ballard Power Systems Europe A/S, Sterling PlanB, Stuart Friezer Marine and research engineers from Aalborg University, they will test fuel cells and new battery technology on the shipping company’s… Read more »

Enabling emission reducing wind solutions with smart green shipping

In October 2020, the UK government announced a target of 1GW of floating offshore wind by 2030, which combined with a 60% target for local content set by the UK Offshore Wind Sector Deal, sets manufacturing sites around the UK with a requirement for a significant scale up in fabrication. This provides a real challenge… Read more »

Location is key to tapping into the utility data goldmine

Currently there is an abundance of data. A recent report from GlobalData highlighted how the ever-increasing deployment of smart devices and technologies within smart energy grids is creating an exponentially growing pool of utility big data. In fact, utilities are increasingly implementing technologies such as cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, blockchain,… Read more »