Archives: Exclusive Articles

Where the solar industry gathers and innovations are discovered

The combined trade fair Solar Solutions International / Green Heating Solutions is well known in the world of sustainable professionals. Installers, consultants, developers, end users and other business visitors have been finding their way to the exhibition floor since 2013. This year, the trade fair is celebrating its tenth anniversary, with over 275 exhibitors and… Read more »

Over 40 years of cutting-edge photovoltaic research

2022 was the year of terawatt solar power. With one TW installed worldwide, there are now ambitious targets to reach the next TW within just three years. European PV research is performing well and production technology is in greater demand than it has been for over a decade. The PV community is proposing innovative, affordable… Read more »

Making the difference with ultra-black glass

Growth is rapid, demand is strong and technology is advancing, but letting high standards slip now is an unthinkable option for those companies who are innovating in the solar sector. Ultra-black double-glass panels present an opportunity to offer customers the best of all worlds, but where might this innovation go next? Belinus is a premium… Read more »

Kindling hope with the power of the sun

Shifting environmental factors constantly challenge the efficiency of solar arrays; dust, debris and shade can drastically lower power output. With a conventional ‘string’ inverter system, the least-performing module determines the productivity of the entire array. APsystems’ microinverters give more power, independently optimizing the output from each solar module, something that will no doubt be welcome… Read more »

Training moves up a gear

The expectations for continued growth of the wind industry brings sustained challenges at many levels. One of these is finding the best way of expanding the wind workforce while maintaining safety and training levels, something that can be achieved with the right training and support.  Demand for wind turbine technicians is predicted to grow over… Read more »


可持续发展背景下,如何满足大规模新能源接入、消纳成为实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的必答 题,新能源接入电网已成为电力行业主要发展方向之一。 但由于新能源具备不稳定性、间歇性等特点,导致其在大量接入地区电网后会产生一定的负 面作用,所以为保证电网的安全稳定运行,新能源设备必须具备主动调节电网的能力。本文从 光伏逆变器的角度简述一下新能源设备如何主动调节电网保障电网的稳定运行。


全球范围内的油价在飞速攀升,对更加清洁、廉价的电动汽车的需求水涨船高。我们认为现 在是采访 Soltaro 首席执行官 Tynan Coles 的好时机,听一听他如何看待这个市场、该市场 为太阳能行业带来的机会以及到目前为止所取得的进展。 PES:Tynan,谢谢您百忙之中抽出时间接 受 PES 的采访。不介意的话,为了让之前 不太清楚的读者有所了解,能否请您先简 要介绍一下 Soltaro 的背景?


太阳能是能源转型的一个关键因素。根据国际能源署(IEA) 的数据,从2022年起,太阳能有望创下全球新部署的记录。 由于近年来的快速发展以及部署成本和LCOE的持续降低, 太阳能正在成为领先的可再生能源。 保持对细节的关注对 于跟上这种变化的步伐至关重要,具体来说就是保证产品质 量和客户满意度。 尽管在过去几年中存在一些挑战,包括 COVID-19的封锁,供应链和物流问题, 但太阳能光伏市场显示出弹性并继续增 长。2021年,全球安装的光伏系统总容量 为168吉瓦–比2020年多出近30吉瓦。


如今,我们比以往任何时候都更需要环保的技术解决方案来防止全球 进一步变暖。我们的世 界已经超过了大气中400ppm二氧化碳的门 槛,近百年来的平均温度已经上升了近1°C。  

制定可持续光伏框架: 提高光伏行业的影响力

2022 年 4 月,我们见证了光伏行业的一个重要里程碑事件:全球太阳能装机容量达到 10 亿千 瓦。 太阳能发电进入太瓦时代。未来三年内,太阳能发电量将翻番,超过 20 亿千瓦,想想都让 人觉得震撼。 随着该市场的迅猛增长,关于对保护生产资源和可再生能源输送的环境成本与 社会影响的讨论也日渐增多。此外,在太阳能项目的土地使用方面,也引发了越来越多的担忧。 构建价值网,而不只是价值链 我们该如何跟上市场快速发展的步伐并 采用可持续发展的理念来构建“光伏价 值网”呢?为何要构建价值网而不是价值 链?价值链有它的起点和终点,但光伏行 业对更广泛的社会和经济体系带来的影响 是巨大的。光伏价值网具有真正意义上的 互联性,集投入和产出于一体。

用360度方案对光伏系统进行 独立监测和灵活控制

40年的经验,7*24小时监控总装机量超过21 GWp的全球55,000个光伏电站,包括上海在内的 全球12个分支机构-以及积极塑造未来和追求能够改变世界的理想:成立于1976年的 meteocontrol是一家世界领先的光伏电站资产组合监控系统的开发商和供应商,是顺风清洁 能源有限公司的子公司(。目标:为世界提供可持续的清洁能源。


太阳能电池板在我们的日常生活中日益普及,因此,确保其无缝融入周围环境成为关键所在。 我们有幸与 Merck 电子材料业务发展经理 Sebastian Barth 一起来探讨这个问题以及一 些关于彩色太阳能组件的可行解决方案。

安装户用分布式光 伏之前,必须考虑的 6大因素

随着实现“碳中和”目标的进程加快,低碳生活、使用绿色能源 已经成为全球共识。越来越多的人选择在自家屋顶安装光伏系 统。因其布局较为分散、装机规模小、布置在用户附近等特点, 这类系统被归为分布式光伏系统。 在我国,分布式光伏发展仅10余年,还处 于探索阶段。因此,我们在安装分布式光 伏之前,也许会遇到一些困惑,例如如何 判断周边环境是否适合安装光伏,怎样评 估房屋用电量、需要多少块光伏组件(即 太阳能板)、如何选择高效逆变器、如何筛 选靠谱安装商以及后期运维方式……禾迈 实验室,帮你读懂光伏。今天,我们就一起 讨论在安装分布式光伏之前,需要考虑的 6大因素,希望能帮助正处于迷茫的你,成 功“避坑”。


亚洲的光伏生产线规模不断扩大,产生的数据量随之不断增加,因此需要对这些数据进行妥善 处理。这也让制造商在评估和优化生产线效率时面临重大挑战。有鉴于此,halm elektronik gmbh 探讨了如何借助实时控制和监测软件来增强决策。 随着亚洲太阳能电池和组件产量的激增, 以及光伏生产线规模的扩大,跟踪测量数 据的难度也越来越大,而这对于质量和工 艺控制而言极其重要。此外,近期的扩张 更甚以往,特别是太阳能电池制造商的项 目也呈现出激增之势。


海外光伏市场起步较早,从中暴露出来的安全问题也不少,因此出台了很多并网安全规范以及 系统安全规范目前国内也开始逐步出台强制性的标准法规,以及相关的安全标准,助推光伏电 站安全有序发展。2021年8月2日,国家能源局更是针对光伏电站火灾等安全问题做出回复,鼓 励企业采用新技术新设备来提高光伏发电站的安全性,并着手制定相关标准。 对此,固德威也在不断坚持探索更多更优 质的解决方案,来全面保障光伏系统的安 全性。 一、业主财产安全 光伏电站中最常见的事故是火灾,光伏行 业近3年内已有45起典型的火灾事故。随 着光伏装机容量的逐年攀升,逆变器、汇 流箱、大电流组件以及应用场景越来越复 杂,造成火灾的隐患增多。 固德威逆变器集合了多重保护功能,主动 预防火灾的发生,例如直流拉弧检测功 能,以及防雷保护功能,都是通过检测和 保护功能将火灾隐患消灭在初期。同时固 德威的逆变器具有良好的散热设计和降载 保护,大概率地降低火灾的风险。

大功率背接触光伏组件 闪耀时刻

多年来,大功率背接触光伏组件一直在静待时机,希望有一天能在阳光下大放异彩。如今,这 项技术终于迎来了高光时刻。其应用领域迅速扩张,从住宅屋顶这类蓬勃发展的领域一直扩 张到电动汽车等新兴领域。为帮助揭示未来机遇及背后蕴含的科学原理,PES 采访了 EnduransTM Solar 新上任的导电背板业务总监 Lawrence Theunissen。 PES:您好,Lawrence,欢迎接受我们的 采访。您能否介绍一下自己,并谈谈您在 太阳能行业的工作情况? Lawrence Theunissen: 我经过培训成 为一名机械工程师,因此我一直对事物 的运作原理十分感兴趣。在过去的 28 年 里,我把自己在聚合物和应用开发领域掌 握的知识运用到了多个商务职位的工作实 践中,因此可以说我在这两个领域做得都 很出色,至少在某种程度上是这样!尽管 我接触太阳能行业还不久,但我凭借自身 的工程背景能充分了解这项技术。另外还 有一点对我的帮助很大,那就是我在可再 生材料领域的丰富工作经验,当时我们努 EnduransTM 背板和导电背板产品组合实 力解决了许多与太阳能领域类似的挑战。


凝露和结霜, 比较任何类型的天气都可能会对光伏系统的效率造成更大影响。那么该如何改 进监测系统的耐候性,同时确保其准确性、速度和数据可靠性?Dmytro Podolskyy 介绍了来 自 EKO Instruments 的最新解决方案。 为何要担心凝露和结霜? 与“积尘”(光伏太阳能板上堆积的物质 一般是灰尘、落叶或鸟粪)的影响类似, 凝露和结霜也会反射、遮挡或吸收太阳辐 射,从而对光伏发电站的能源生产和光学 测量以及日射强度计测得的辐照度造成不 良影响。

在快速发展的亚洲 光伏市场中处于领 先地位

SNEC 第十六届(2022)国际太阳能光伏与智慧能源(上海)大会 暨展览会将于 12 月 27 日至 12 月 29 日举行。行业经历创新 和前瞻性发展,为这一年画上了圆满的句号。PES 将抢先了解 参观者可在展览会上获得的体验。 SNEC 光伏大会暨展览会由 25 个国际 机构和组织联合举办,将于 12 月下旬在 上海举行。这是亚洲最重要的一场太阳 能相关年度盛会,活动场地从 2007 年的 15,000 平方米扩大到 2021 年的 200,000 平方米,共有全球 95 个国家和地区的 1,600 多家参展商参与,其中国际参展商 占 30%。大会已成为中国、亚洲乃至全球 最具影响力的国际专业大型光伏盛会。

随着 PES 不断在全球范围内探索快速发展的光伏市场,他们有幸采访到 APsystems 全球营 销总监 Maxime Boiron,聆听了他对逆变器技术发展前景的看法。

PES:您好,Maxime,欢迎再次接受 PES 的采访。或许我们可以先介绍一下概况, 谈谈您对太阳能光伏市场的看法。全球光 伏市场的规模有多大?是否有某个国家或 地区在这方面表现特别成熟? Maxime Boiron: 在过去 10 年间,全球 太阳能市场稳步发展,装机容量年同比平 均增长约 15%,2021 年总装机容量接近 1.6 亿千瓦。根据 Wood Mackenzie 分 析公司的报告1,2022 年全球装机容量将 增长 25%,到年底将接近 2 亿千瓦。 现在,如果我们展望未来 10 年全球的 整体需求,还可以预见全球所有地区都 会呈现出增长趋势。同样,根据 Wood Mackenzie 的预测,从 2022 年到 2031 年,全球太阳能光伏装置的年均增长率将 达到 8%。

It’s time to shine for high-power back-contact PV modules

For years, the high-power, back-contact PV module has waited patiently for its day in the sun. Now, this technology is set for a resurgence. Applications are growing fast, from expanding markets like residential rooftops to new markets like e-vehicles. To help unpack the opportunities ahead, and the science behind it, PES spoke to the recently… Read more »

Empowering a sustainable future together

All major regions aim to be climate neutral by 2050. Renewables-based electrification across the economy will be key to this ambition. Wind energy will play an important role in providing clean and competitive power in all major regions. Europe and other regions want faster implementation, putting even more pressure on supply and changing how businesses… Read more »

On good advice

As renewable energy becomes the primary source of power in the future, modern, special and sustainable ships need to be ready to work and integrate in this market. We spoke to Nikol Hearn, M&A and fund advisor at Waterworks, about how the company is acting in its own innovative way to shape the future of… Read more »

Bringing cable wrapping methods out of extinction

Although dinosaur comparisons in business often refer to outdated machines, in the case of the VelociWrapper, the opposite is true. A play on the fast, fierce and famous dinosaur known as the velociraptor, the VelociWrapper is a cable wrapping machine designed to speed up triplexing. The name is so clever and memorable, it recently won… Read more »

Following the weld

Nowadays, due to the high demand of electricity and its high production price, Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) are considered as a viable solution. The penetration of renewables as a means of electricity production is expected to increase by up to 60% by 2050.  Introduction: wind turbine history Wind turbine technology is one of the most… Read more »

Inspection free bolting

Nuts and bolts are one of the most simplistic components on a modern wind turbine, but their inspection is often the single largest maintenance expenditure. Inspection-free bolting is a revolutionary new maintenance approach, which is now available in the offshore wind industry through the adoption of bolt load monitoring technology.  A wind turbine consists of… Read more »

Moving to predictive blade maintenance

Tracking blade damage progression to enable predictive maintenance can generate huge savings and increase annual energy production.  It’s no secret that wind energy is experiencing enormous, and fast, growth. Irena’s Renewable Capacity1 Statistics 2022 shows that 93 GW of new wind energy generation capacity was added last year alone and the annual installation is anticipated… Read more »

Manufacturing energy hubs will fast track the floating offshore revolution

Lewis McIntyre, Managing Director, Port Services at Peel Ports Group, makes the case for creating floating wind manufacturing hubs and attracting investment for long-term growth.  With an urgent need to exploit our domestic energy market, which delivers cheaper and greener energy, the future opportunities this can bring can’t be understated. Manufacturing hubs, as centres of… Read more »

A robust submarine cable dataset at your fingertips

Our reliance on the intricate network of subsea cables continues to grow globally. There is a significant boom in offshore renewable energy generation, satisfying the increasing demands of the world whilst also plugging the gap in capacity lost as more traditional generation methods come to end of life. And it’s extraordinary to contemplate the phenomenal… Read more »

Unlocking the value of your project in an uncertain world

As we come to the end of a turbulent year for the energy sector, there can be little doubt that renewable energy developers, owners and investors will continue to face high levels of volatility and uncertainty. This creates different challenges for development-stage projects and operational assets, but also represents an opportunity to unlock new value…. Read more »

The new standard in marine operations

The impact of weather on offshore operations will remain a challenge, now and in the more digitalized future. As wind farms grow and move further from shore, it seems that data driven strategies and decision making will become more relevant than ever before. PES wanted to ask Jelte Kymmell, Co-Founder of MO4, what the advantages… Read more »

NDE 4.0 and a paradigm shift in blade integrity management

Join us for an exploration of the rise of Industry 4.0 and NDE 4.0, the role that acoustic emission (AE) condition monitoring plays in shifting the focus of blade integrity programs, and a glimpse of what the future of blade integrity might look like with the adoption and proliferation of these new technologies. The concept… Read more »

Wave measurements 
to reduce risk, costs 
and emissions

Providing live sea state insights allows offshore wind operators not only to be better informed about weather-sensitive operations, but also access to sea conditions in real-time is also crucial for improving safety, cost saving and the environment. The wind industry moves further out and pushes its boundaries of operation toward deeper waters and harsher environments,… Read more »

Taking the weight of a growing industry

In the wind power sector, importance is given to developing solutions to cater for individual requirements. This is one of LIFTKET’s core competencies, with quality products that are adaptable to the versatile requirements of the wind power sector. In the mid 1980s, a new branch of industry developed, initially starting in Europe; energy generation from… Read more »

Forward-thinking maintenance

LiMain by Liebherr keeps changing our view on maintenance. At the beginning of this year and in a first for PES Wind, Gregor Levold, Sales Director Offshore, Ship and Port Cranes at Liebherr, introduced the system. It is the company’s in-house solution for fast and reliable maintenance of offshore platforms. Since then, it has attracted… Read more »

Clean energy: 
the key to economic and environmental resilience

As we continue to strive for a cleaner planet, governments, industries and organisations around the world are uniting to build a sustainable future. The time is ripe to explore innovations and technologies that can work to reduce carbon emissions and help to facilitate better resource efficiency.  In our digital age, data centres are commonplace. However,… Read more »