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Phoenix Solar AG announces change at Executive Board level

Phoenix Solar AG herewith announces that Mr.
Manfred Bächler, Chief Technology Officer, will be laying down his Executive Board mandate with effect from 31 December 2010 for personal reasons.

It is with great regret that the Supervisory Board of Phoenix Solar AG has acknowledged the wish of Mr. Bächler to withdraw prematurely from the Executive Board. The Supervisory Board wishes to thank him for his long-standing service as a Board member, his work in building up the company and the important and far-reaching impetus which characterised the influence he had on the company’s development.

The Supervisory Board and the Executive Board extend their best wishes to Mr. Bächler for his future private and professional life.

The tasks of Mr. Bächler will be assigned to other members of the Executive Board. Chief Executive Officer Dr. Andreas Hänel will in particular be assuming the role of Chief Technology Officer.

This is an English translation of the German original. Only the German version is binding.

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