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Jose Antonio Mieres, new CEO of Grupo OPDE who have formed a new Board of Directors

The Spanish solar photovoltaic multinational constitutes its new Executive Management Team, led by CEO José Antonio Mieres, and their new Board of Directors, presided over by Alejandro Chaves

December 16, 2010 .- Grupo OPDE the Spanish multinational solar photovoltaic energy company formed by OPDE PROINSO and MECASOLAR has recently formed its new executive committee through the creation of the Board of Directors with the incorporation of the new CEO and Group Board Member, José Antonio Mieres, a professional with extensive experience in the sector from IBERDROLA Ingeniería y Construcción (IBERINCO), where he also held the position of Director General for Renewables and Networks in Europe, United States and Asia.

The new Board of Directors of Grupo OPDE is structured in the following way: President, Alexander Chaves; Secretary, José Luis Barrenechea; CEO and Board Member for the Group, José Antonio Mieres; Javier Remacha and Gustavo Carrero Board Members. With the presence of Alejandro Chaves, Javier Remacha and Gustavo Carrero the representation of an ample majority of the shareholders of the holding company from Navarra is reinforced. José Luis Barrenetxea, Secretary of the Board of Directors, will act as an independent board member, whereas the presence of José Antonio Mieres, Board Member and CEO, will provide the new board of directors with the experience and capacity to confront the new challenges at the international level outlined by Grupo OPDE

Similarly, the Group is backed by the new Executive Management Team, led by José Antonio Mieres and made up of: Maite Remacha, from the BBVA and with extensive experience in the banking sector, and who will carry out the functions of Corporative Services Manager of Grupo OPDE with the aim of improving the internal organization and the relation with the banking organizations, as well as the improvement in competitiveness of the internal organization. Maite´s work will be supported by the new Director of Administration for Grupo OPDE, Jesus Reinoso, who comes from the automotive sector, in coordination with those currently in charge of administration Myrian Catalan and Juan Ángel Serrano.

In addition, Antonio Mingo and Luis Cid have been incorporated as Directors of Operations and Heads of Development in OPDE, both of whom who are also from IBERDROLA Engineering and Construction, will be focusing on the challenges and objectives for 2010-2013 in the development of new photovoltaic plants, their construction and maintenance in diverse markets like Italy, the USA and other countries. The rest of the new Executive Management team is made up from people in charge and works directors with extensive experience in the sector of photovoltaic solar energy, as well as in other sectors.

Similarly a new General Manager has also been incorporated into MECASOLAR, Ricardo Esteruelas, who will undertake the task of product diversification in other technologies and markets, for the company from the Group dedicated to the design and manufacture of solar trackers. MECASOLAR is set to become the motor of technological development for the group, by becoming the Technological Centre of Grupo OPDE. On the other hand, Iñigo Arellano is the new director of the Operation and Maintenance area, and is the person in charge of the maintenance for the 101 MWs that OPDE is currently developing and the area that the company intends to enhance in other markets and to increase its customer share.

According to Grupo OPDE, the new Board of Directors and Executive Team of the company will allow the company to confront new challenges such as: advancing in its internationalization process; and the entry into new markets and areas of business, as well as the product diversification in other renewable technologies.

Along these lines, Jose Antonio Mieres explains that the activity of the OPDE Group in the next four years will concentrate, not only on increasing the constructed MW, but also in opening itself to new business opportunities in other sectors, always related to energy. The company is presently working on the definition of its Strategic Plan 2011-2013.

” OPDE´s activity will be centred on the development of new photovoltaic solar farms in Italy and the USA, market diversity will be a priority in the case of PROINSO, breaking into countries such as India, Brazil, Mexico or Australia; our aim is for MECASOLAR to act as a technological lever for the Group, converting it into a Technological Centre for the development of new solar energy products and other renewable energies”, explains Mieres.

Grupo OPDE currently has subsidiaries, manufacturing centres and offices in Spain, Italy, Greece, United States, Canada, Great Britain, The Czech Rep. and China. Since 2008, the year in which it initiated its internationalization process, practically 80% of sales come from foreign markets, mainly from countries like Germany, Italy, Greece and the United States, among others./
Corporate Information: Grupo OPDE

Grupo OPDE –www.opdegroup.com -, is formed by the companies OPDE – www.opde.net -, MECASOLAR –www.mecasolar.com – and PROINSO – www.proinso.net.

OPDE is specialized in the promotion and global construction of photovoltaic solar plants, being one of the major companies for the promotion, construction and operation and maintenance of photovoltaic solar farms in Europe. Since its constitution, OPDE has executed and maintained photovoltaic solar farms for a total of 101 MW between Spain and Italy. Besides numerous ones in the pipeline for the coming years in Italy, and in the USA

MECASOLAR centres its activity on the design and manufacture of solar trackers and fixed structures, and with 282 MW installed in Europe, their trackers are the most popular on the European market. Throughout the last two years a total of 22,000 MECASOLAR 1 and 2-axis solar trackers has been distributed, with Italy, Spain, Greece and the USA, being the main markets.

PROINSO, on the other hand, is devoted to the supply of modules, fixed structures and inverters; being the first international distributor of world-wide brand leaders in the sector, such as TRINA and SMA, besides distributing REC photovoltaic modules. The modules supplied by PROINSO in the period 2007-2010, amounted to 528 MW inverters and 284 MWs modules in the same period.

In November 2009, PROINSO presented their International Network of Qualified Installers, becoming the first non-manufacturing company in their sector – , in starting up a network of this nature. Initially, the network was extended to Spain, Greece and Italy. One year on, the PROINSO Network of Qualified Installers (PROINSO Qualified Installer), has reached the figure of 1,116 Qualified Installers throughout the world. /


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