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Ruukki achieves industry leader position in Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes

Ruukki has achieved the position of industry leader in two Dow Jones Sustainability indexes: DJSI World and DJSI Europe. The indexes include the top companies that are committed to sustainable development.

Ruukki is included in the DJSI World Index for the fourth year running and in the European index for the fifth year. The results show that Ruukki heads the world’s eight best steel companies.

“The position of industry leader indicates that we at Ruukki have been doing the right things to promote corporate responsibility. Recent years have seen a clearly growing interest in corporate responsibility also among investors,” says Toni Hemminki, Senior Vice President, Technology, Energy and Environment, at Ruukki.
There are 342 components from 30 different countries included in the DJSI World Index and 172 components from 15 European countries in the DJSI Europe Index. Six other Finnish companies are in the Sustainability Indexes.

Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes have been measuring efforts within the corporate sector to improve sustainability since 1999. Corporate sustainability performance is analysed thoroughly each year by an independent assessment party, SAM Research AG. Analysis evaluates corporate financial, social and environmental responsibility. Index companies are also subject to continuous tracking.

Read more about corporate responsibility at Ruukki
Read more about the indexes
For further information, please contact: Toni Hemminki, SVP, Technology, Energy and Environment, tel. +358 20 592 9217

Rautaruukki supplies metal-based components, systems and integrated systems to the construction and engineering industries. The company has a wide selection of metal products and services. Rautaruukki has operations in 27 countries and employs 11,700 people. Net sales in 2010 totalled EUR 2.4 billion. The company’s share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (Rautaruukki Oyj: RTRKS). The Corporation uses the marketing name Ruukki.