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Guidehouse Insights Names AutoGrid Systems, Centrica REstore, Enbala, and Kiwi Power the Leading Providers of Virtual Power Plant Platforms

Leaders differentiate themselves through exceptional software platform development, robust portfolios in diverse markets, and sustainable business models

April 29, 2020 – Boulder, Colo. – A new Leaderboard Report from Guidehouse Insights examines the strategy and execution of 15 companies leading virtual power plants (VPPs) into the mainstream, with AutoGrid Systems, Centrica REstore, Enbala, and Kiwi Power ranked as the top market players.

The evolution of energy markets is accelerating in the direction of a greater reliance on distributed energy resources (DER), whether those resources generate, consume, or store electricity. A platform to manage this increasing two-way complexity is a VPP—the concept that intelligent aggregation and optimization of DER can provide the same essential services as a traditional 24/7 centralized power plant. Click to tweet: According to a new Leaderboard report from Guidehouse Insights, AutoGrid Systems, Centrica REstore, Enbala, and Kiwi Power are the leading VPP platform providers.

“These companies have clearly differentiated themselves from the competition through exceptional software platform development, robust portfolios in diverse markets, and a sustainable business model,” says Peter Asmus, research director with Guidehouse Insights. “They also represent the innovation bubbling up from smaller innovators, which then are often expanded upon and adopted by larger more traditional technology companies.”

While four companies were ranked as leaders in the report, four contenders were close behind, creating a cluster of companies on the report’s Leaderboard grid. This aligns with a major shift in the market—the emergence of more companies from Europe, which is arguably the most mature and crowded VPP market in the world.

The report, Guidehouse Insights Leaderboard: VPP Platform Providers, ranks 15 VPP platform providers capable of creating mixed-asset VPPs. There providers are rated on the following criteria: vision; go-to-market strategy; partners/acquisitions/investors; DERMS integration strategy; technology scope; geographic reach; sales, marketing, and distribution; platform performance; value chain capture; project portfolio; business model; and staying power. An executive summary of the report is available for free download on the Guidehouse Insights website.

About Guidehouse Insights

Guidehouse Insights, the dedicated market intelligence arm of Guidehouse, provides research, data, and benchmarking services for today’s rapidly changing and highly regulated industries. Our insights are built on in-depth analysis of global clean technology markets. The team’s research methodology combines supply-side industry analysis, end-user primary research, and demand assessment, paired with a deep examination of technology trends, to provide a comprehensive view of emerging resilient infrastructure systems. Additional information about Guidehouse Insights can be found at www.guidehouseinsights.com.

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