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China: AREVA to supply TELEPERM XS digital safety Instrumentation & Control system for Tianwan 3 and 4 nuclear reactors

Chinese utility JNPC (Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation), a subsidiary of CNNC (China National Nuclear Corporation), renewed its confidence and trust in AREVA by awarding the group a new contract. A consortium led by AREVA will deliver the digital safety and complementary operational instrumentation & control (I&C) systems for the Tianwan 3 and 4 VVER 1000 MW class reactors. Construction will start in 2012 and commercial operation of both power plant units is scheduled for 2018 and 2019 respectively.

AREVA’s TELEPERM®XS safety-related I&C digital system selected for this project has been in operation in the Tianwan 1 and 2 units since 2007.

Qualified for nuclear I&C applications with maximum safety requirements across worldwide markets, TELEPERM®XS is a state-of-the-art system for different tasks in nuclear power plants: reactor protection, reactor control and limitation, neutron flux measurement, core monitoring, control rod position, control and monitoring, as well as for emergency diesel generators.

Philippe Samama, AREVA’s Installed Base business unit Executive Vice President, said: “We are honored that JNPC has selected once again our TELEPERM®XS safety I&C system that can be used in various reactor models for both new build and retrofit markets. It has proven global references around the world, in particular in China where seven nuclear power plants are already equipped with this technology”.

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