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凝露和结霜, 比较任何类型的天气都可能会对光伏系统的效率造成更大影响。那么该如何改 进监测系统的耐候性,同时确保其准确性、速度和数据可靠性?Dmytro Podolskyy 介绍了来 自 EKO Instruments 的最新解决方案。 为何要担心凝露和结霜? 与“积尘”(光伏太阳能板上堆积的物质 一般是灰尘、落叶或鸟粪)的影响类似, 凝露和结霜也会反射、遮挡或吸收太阳辐 射,从而对光伏发电站的能源生产和光学 测量以及日射强度计测得的辐照度造成不 良影响。

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在快速发展的亚洲 光伏市场中处于领 先地位

SNEC 第十六届(2022)国际太阳能光伏与智慧能源(上海)大会 暨展览会将于 12 月 27 日至 12 月 29 日举行。行业经历创新 和前瞻性发展,为这一年画上了圆满的句号。PES 将抢先了解 参观者可在展览会上获得的体验。 SNEC 光伏大会暨展览会由 25 个国际 机构和组织联合举办,将于 12 月下旬在 上海举行。这是亚洲最重要的一场太阳 能相关年度盛会,活动场地从 2007 年的 15,000 平方米扩大到 2021 年的 200,000 平方米,共有全球 95 个国家和地区的 1,600 多家参展商参与,其中国际参展商 占 30%。大会已成为中国、亚洲乃至全球 最具影响力的国际专业大型光伏盛会。

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随着 PES 不断在全球范围内探索快速发展的光伏市场,他们有幸采访到 APsystems 全球营 销总监 Maxime Boiron,聆听了他对逆变器技术发展前景的看法。

PES:您好,Maxime,欢迎再次接受 PES 的采访。或许我们可以先介绍一下概况, 谈谈您对太阳能光伏市场的看法。全球光 伏市场的规模有多大?是否有某个国家或 地区在这方面表现特别成熟? Maxime Boiron: 在过去 10 年间,全球 太阳能市场稳步发展,装机容量年同比平 均增长约 15%,2021 年总装机容量接近 1.6 亿千瓦。根据 Wood Mackenzie 分 析公司的报告1,2022 年全球装机容量将 增长 25%,到年底将接近 2 亿千瓦。 现在,如果我们展望未来 10 年全球的 整体需求,还可以预见全球所有地区都 会呈现出增长趋势。同样,根据 Wood Mackenzie 的预测,从 2022 年到 2031 年,全球太阳能光伏装置的年均增长率将 达到 8%。

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It’s time to shine for high-power back-contact PV modules

For years, the high-power, back-contact PV module has waited patiently for its day in the sun. Now, this technology is set for a resurgence. Applications are growing fast, from expanding markets like residential rooftops to new markets like e-vehicles. To help unpack the opportunities ahead, and the science behind it, PES spoke to the recently… Read more »

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Empowering a sustainable future together

All major regions aim to be climate neutral by 2050. Renewables-based electrification across the economy will be key to this ambition. Wind energy will play an important role in providing clean and competitive power in all major regions. Europe and other regions want faster implementation, putting even more pressure on supply and changing how businesses… Read more »

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On good advice

As renewable energy becomes the primary source of power in the future, modern, special and sustainable ships need to be ready to work and integrate in this market. We spoke to Nikol Hearn, M&A and fund advisor at Waterworks, about how the company is acting in its own innovative way to shape the future of… Read more »

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Bringing cable wrapping methods out of extinction

Although dinosaur comparisons in business often refer to outdated machines, in the case of the VelociWrapper, the opposite is true. A play on the fast, fierce and famous dinosaur known as the velociraptor, the VelociWrapper is a cable wrapping machine designed to speed up triplexing. The name is so clever and memorable, it recently won… Read more »

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Following the weld

Nowadays, due to the high demand of electricity and its high production price, Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) are considered as a viable solution. The penetration of renewables as a means of electricity production is expected to increase by up to 60% by 2050.  Introduction: wind turbine history Wind turbine technology is one of the most… Read more »

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Inspection free bolting

Nuts and bolts are one of the most simplistic components on a modern wind turbine, but their inspection is often the single largest maintenance expenditure. Inspection-free bolting is a revolutionary new maintenance approach, which is now available in the offshore wind industry through the adoption of bolt load monitoring technology.  A wind turbine consists of… Read more »

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Moving to predictive blade maintenance

Tracking blade damage progression to enable predictive maintenance can generate huge savings and increase annual energy production.  It’s no secret that wind energy is experiencing enormous, and fast, growth. Irena’s Renewable Capacity1 Statistics 2022 shows that 93 GW of new wind energy generation capacity was added last year alone and the annual installation is anticipated… Read more »

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