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Look up for new solutions

As the offshore industry expands quickly in the coming years, innovative solutions are needed. HeliOIS wants to add more flexibility and efficiency by creating new service and inspection concepts that can optimise the way we work. Imagine this: a wind farm operator discovers that a substation in the North Sea is malfunctioning and needs repairs…. Read more »

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Right-sizing offshore wind installations

With a steady growth off offshore wind energy and turbine sizes and components increasing continuously, installation challenges are also getting bigger. Being able to efficiently install offshore turbine towers, nacelles, and blades in a high wind environment requires new initiatives and solutions. NOV’s Sjøhest Wind Blade Installation solution lowers the cost, time, and complexity of… Read more »

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New ways to satisfy future demands with climate-neutral hydrogen

In the future, hydrogen will be a fundamental building block for the transformation towards a climate-neutral economy. Its various production methods and possibilities for use will render it essential. For the conversion of the energy system, hydrogen offers the possibility of storing the volatilely produced renewable energies, and it will also play a key role… Read more »

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DNV – De-risking floating wind technology and deployment

In this article we hear from DNV on maximising opportunities from floating offshore wind which hinges on de-risking its economics, technology, logistics and operations. The global installed capacity of floating offshore wind, will grow from 88MW in 2022 to 260GW in mid-century, according to our Energy Transition Outlook 2022 (ETO) model.  For perspective, the capacity… Read more »

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Which is greener, the helicopter or hybrid vessels?

During a 12-hour trip to a wind farm 40 nautical miles offshore, a hybrid CTV will emit 41% less CO2 compared to a conventional CTV. If a helicopter were used for the transport, CO2 could be reduced by 73%. For Europe, that is a saving of 67,000 to 117,000 ton of CO2 per year, or… Read more »

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Reducing risks and costs with virtual reality

How can the latest technology enable real-time monitoring of turbine blades and towers, enabling repair and replacement before a critical failure occurs? Is this the way forward for protecting assets and lowering costs? In November 2021, US President Biden signed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill to rebuild the nation’s deteriorating roads and bridges and fund… Read more »

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Offshore energy in a changing world

The energy transition and sustainable solutions are the hot topics running throughout the Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference. PES finds out what visitors can expect from Europe’s leading event that takes place on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th of November 2022 in RAI Amsterdam. Two days full of networking opportunities, sharing knowledge and shaping the… Read more »

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Key insights across 
in-service wind farm assets using ultrasonic NDT and robotics

The skills shortage within the sector is a challenge for all. Could robots be the solution? Here, Stacey Rivers, Business Development and Operations Manager at BladeBUG, explains how its innovative robots will operate both onshore and offshore, working independently, or collaboratively with a drone or technician, to perform a diverse range of inspection, maintenance, and… Read more »

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Digital data from critical connections

How can the value of data from bolted joint connections deliver a competitive advantage across the wind industry? During the construction and operation of wind farms, there are lots of data being collected for various purposes. When it comes to the most important elements in the entire structure, the nuts and bolts that are holding… Read more »

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On the fly

Industrial drones, or flying cranes, offer a possible new way to revolutionize wind turbine maintenance, with the potential to save wind farm operators and owners incredible amounts of time, money, and CO2 emissions. Excited at the possibilities this new technology could hold for the industry, PES was keen to learn more from Mikkel Sørensen, Owner… Read more »

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