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Accessing the floating wind frontier

‘Floating wind’, the new buzzword of the offshore energy sector, is said to revolutionise the global energy infrastructure. Floating turbines open up new potential sites for exploitation, further offshore, in deeper seas, where stronger and more consistent winds mean better yields. Only four floating wind farms have been built so far, but this relatively new… Read more »

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Increased returns by robotized wind turbine inspection and maintenance

With the increasing size of wind farms and the turbines themselves, the scale of inspection and maintenance challenges faced by the wind energy industry is also growing. Servicing the blades has become more difficult, whereas turbine failure and downtime are more costly. Additionally, growing risks related to increased lightning damage due to towers and blades… Read more »

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The accuracy of yield forecasts lies in the complexity of the data

Globally, the use of data is becoming increasingly important, enabling many processes to be optimized. At 4cast, physics, computer science, meteorology, and mathematics experts work together with data.  The company uses big data to create precise energy yield forecasts for wind and solar parks. By providing accurate predictions directly to marketers, grid operators, energy service… Read more »

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Offering global welding repair solutions

According to WindEurope’s latest analysis, Europe currently has 255 GW of wind energy installed, of which 19 GW are newly established facilities from 2022. WindEurope’s expectations for the future are that an additional 129 GW will be established in Europe between 2023 and 2027. To meet the 2030 climate goals, the expansion is expected to… Read more »

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Why didn’t I think of that?

Ingenuity through simplicity. Discussing simple yet effective solutions to very common problems in the industry, with VelociWrapper®. Thousands of years ago, a caveman brought a round, flat rock to his council meeting. He showed how the rock could be rolled on its side, enabling it to be moved with relatively little effort. If the rock… Read more »

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Moving in to top gear with EVs

Fuel prices are rising exponentially across the world and demand for cleaner, cheaper electric vehicles is growing. We thought it was a good time to catch up with Soltaro CEO Tynan Coles, to get his take on the market, the opportunities it presents for the solar industry and what uptake has been like so far…. Read more »

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Meeting the electricity demands of the future

With big change comes unpredictability. At a time when the world is increasingly relying on green energy including solar, this uncertainty has the potential to cause problems. PES sat down with Travis Snyder, Product Manager at Solis Europe, to find out how it is reacting to an increased need for solutions that insulate electrical users… Read more »

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Why Europe is ready for a shift to micro-inverter based rooftop installations in residential PV

All over Europe, string inverters have been the standard for decades, not only in large-scale industrial PV plants, but also in residential rooftop installations. Although there have been some alterations in the product standards to tackle performance, safety and other issues, there hasn’t been a major reformation in the residential market for a long time…. Read more »

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Looking to the sun to lower energy costs

Logistics hubs, the central facilities for distributing goods, are the core of logistics companies. Their vast, flat roofs are ideal for installing solar. As energy is one of the leading costs for operating a warehouse, solar can play a crucial role in lowering this outlay. Now, many logistics companies are planning for another huge challenge:… Read more »

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Connecting energy for a stable supply

A stable power supply is the focus of current energy debates. The ultimate target is to become independent from fossil fuels. However, the change from a few centralised energy producers to many decentralised ones means a complete reorganisation of the power grid, which has existed in this form for over 100 years, something that isn’t… Read more »

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