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Reducing costs through precise and frequent inspection data

Decreasing asset infrastructure maintenance costs, while improving frontline worker safety, is an often overlooked aspect of sustainability in the renewable energy industry. Wind portfolios continue to expand, and turbines increase in size every year, yet the industry has not reached a standard approach to the cadence of inspections and repairs needed to effectively optimize energy… Read more »

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Out of sight, out of mind

Towering towards the sky, harnessing the earth’s natural elements, wind turbine installations continue to spread across the globe. As the world moves towards net zero, the drive towards renewable energy will continue to grow exponentially. As the turbines themselves move further out of sight, keeping the potential for corrosion and other maintenance issues front of… Read more »

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Making the future greener together

PES met up with Mette Dietz Lilkaer, Market Analyst & Marketing Manager, Port of Aalborg, to learn how it has been reacting to market changes and challenges. Our last trip to the port in northern Denmark took place in the autumn of 2021. The wind sector and indeed the world has changed quite dramatically since… Read more »

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Sustainable ports underpin the green transition

The importance of protecting the natural environment and resources for human existence and development is considered a fundamental approach towards sustainability. There are several port-related issues with sustainability implications, such as energy savings, air quality, emission reduction, natural resources conservation, and waste handling which are already being considered by the industry. A number of initiatives… Read more »

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Self-service autonomous drones as the next step in blade inspections

Where once rope access and ground-based cameras had to be enough to inspect the condition of wind turbines, technology has evolved to provide a safer and more accurate process. Machine learning and AI have opened up new possibilities in self-service drone inspections. Time then to gain some insight into the benefits of this shift, from… Read more »

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Assessment over assumptions: how to hardwire the right approach into repowering a wind farm

Repowering is the process of upgrading or replacing components of a wind turbine to improve efficiency and capacity. There are two main types of repowering, full and partial. It is estimated that, on average, full repowering can double the generation of capacity in MW and triple the electricity output, because the new turbines produce more… Read more »

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Applying lessons from telecoms outages to the power cable industry

Submarine telecoms cables have an average of 210 faults per year on the global infrastructure, the vast majority of which are caused by external aggression, such as fishing and anchoring. Many of the increasing network of power interconnector, array and export cables follow comparable routes, or are in similar areas to the shallower water telecoms… Read more »

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Respecting the ecosystem helps wind energy investments take flight

Wind is an important source of renewable energy, but it is crucial to minimize its impact on the ecosystem and especially on birds, through effective bird protection measures. nvisionist is committed to helping society transition away from fossil fuels and reach global zero-emission goals, while maximizing energy production of Wind Turbine Generators. Wind power is… Read more »

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Lift off for wind power solutions

Wind turbines are getting bigger and heavier, so it makes sense that the machinery and techniques used to lift them should evolve too. Electric chain hoists have been used within the industry since the early days, so what changes are being seen and how are companies like LIFTKET adapting their products to suit?  As early… Read more »

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Towards a better future with remote maintenance

Staying ahead of the curve is a recurring theme that anyone involved in a competitive industry contends with. In the offshore platform sector, one example is to invest in a forward-looking project infrastructure to ultimately achieve significant long-term cost savings and other benefits. Outdated operating methods are replaced with better, modern alternatives. Technologies become more… Read more »

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