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Shifting paradigms in solar technology

In an era where major players are vying for supremacy with ever-new technological solutions, one company is beginning to stand out with a new module that boasts 29% efficiency. We are talking about Tenka Solar. With European headquarters nestled in the innovation hub of Munich, Germany, this company is not just participating in the renewable energy industry; it is propelling it forward.

Born with a vision to harness the sun’s power more efficiently, this global solar energy firm has transcended traditional market boundaries, evolving from a new entrant to a dominant force that challenges and surpasses established industry giants.

Initially focused on the Asian market, with extensive operations across China, India, and Bangladesh, the company has, over the years, expanded its reach to embody a truly global presence. This expansion is evidenced by its impressive production capacity of over 20 gigawatts peak worldwide, distributed across three factories in China and one in Europe, specifically in Italy.

With over 15 years of experience in manufacturing high-efficiency solar modules, the company has steadily cultivated a reputation for excellence and innovation. Its transition into the European market began earnestly in 2021, with a strategic focus on markets like Italy, Spain, and Germany. This was closely followed by an ambitious move into the South American market in 2022. Additionally, activities to penetrate the North American market commenced this year, with plans to fully establish operations by the end of 2024.

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