Press Releases

Found 13891 Results

Wind turbine fires: expect the unexpected

Nobody expects a wind turbine to catch fire, but it happens. Unfortunately, it is unknown just how much it happens, and this opens the industry up to significant losses due to a lack of best practice when managing fire risk. As found in our recent report, ‘In the Line of Fire’, there is a serious… Read more »

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Renting instead of buying: flexibility on demand

PES spoke with Hans Gatzemeier, CEO of ELA Container Offshore Gmbh, about how to increase flexibility by renting their offshore mobile room solutions. This solution is proving more and more popular, as it means that once finished with, the containers can be collected. The pandemic has meant working in different ways, and Hans admits he… Read more »

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Robotization and manufacturing: who benefits?

Fears that automation will lead to mass unemployment are a recurring social and economic issue. In recent decades, these fears have been fed by the rapid spread of industrial robots, the use of which has become prevalent in the wind industry. While robotization within the industry has many positive aspects, such as carrying out the… Read more »

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Multiple solutions from one single source

DHSS has become a well-known, high-level player in the services it provides for the offshore wind industry over the last five years. The company was founded in 1997, as a ships agency for clients mainly working in the seismic industry, searching for oil & gas. Nowadays it is a full service provider to the offshore… Read more »

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A real and virtual show: a true hybrid

Wind Energy Asia took place in real and virtual format: a true hybrid unfolded in only months! Another great event in a difficult environment. Robert Campbell, Executive Vice President at Wind Energy Asia, reviews the show for PES. After a great show in March 2020, with the pandemic taking off worldwide, but well under control… Read more »

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Electrode: sparking action on subsea cable failures

Thirty years ago, there was not a single megawatt of offshore wind capacity on the planet; now, there are more than 29GW installed globally, and offshore wind is seen as a vital clean energy source with which to tackle climate change and reduce our carbon footprint. The next 30 years will see an even more… Read more »

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Lifetime extension: making full use of installed capacity

Decision-makers in the wind-energy industry are faced with a choice of three options when their wind energy converters (WECs) approach the end of their design life: they can either dismantle, repower or continue the operation of their WECs. In many cases, available lifetime reserves allow cost-effective continued operation. TÜV SÜD explains how to prepare the… Read more »

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Saving birds and protecting investors

Rapid increase of onshore wind energy requires more and more land. Sometimes the new wind farms are located in bird sensitive areas. This is also true for some projects prepared for repowering. On the other hand, many wind farms face restrictions in operation due to bird mortality e.g. extended turbine shutdowns in migratory periods. Wind… Read more »

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Eliminate the risk, use smart bolting solutions

Calum Urquhart, Global Business Manager, Energy at Atlas Copco spoke enthusiastically to PES about smart bolting. For sure everyone has been hit by the pandemic but this innovative company, with a strong emphasis on R&D, supporting the customer and sustainability have found new ways of working, which will carry on after the pandemic. PES: Hi… Read more »

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How utilities can combat diverse threats to decentralised grids

Energy generation and storage is rapidly being moved from the centre to the edges of the network, with far-reaching consequences for grid management and oversight. Across the world, the policy direction is increasingly towards distributed generation with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the EU Framework 2030, European Green Deal, and an EU Directive… Read more »

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