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Prioritising sustainability and innovation

With the UK solar sector seeing a 52.9% increase in 2023 and ambitious government plans to triple solar power, the timing is perfect for Recom Technologies to introduce its high-quality, EU-manufactured solar products. This move is consistent with its core values of sustainability, reliability, and ethical business practices. Jon Camp, UK Managing Director, explains to PES how, with a robust product line up, he believes Recom is set to become a significant player in the UK solar industry.

PES: It’s a pleasure to have you with us at PES Jon, giving us the opportunity to probe deeper into Recom Technologies. Your recent entry into the UK solar market signifies a significant milestone for the company. Can you elaborate on the specific market trends or factors that influenced the decision to expand into the UK at this particular time?

Jon Camp: Thank you for having us. Our entry into the UK solar market aligns with our global commitment to expand renewable energy solutions. The UK’s solar market has shown remarkable growth, with a 52.9% increase in 2023 and a 7.2% year-on-year growth in solar installers. The government targets to triple solar generation and retrofit 26 million homes to create a conducive environment for our high-quality solar products.

Recent legislative initiatives mandating renewable energy integration in new construction projects further bolster demand. These factors, alongside increasing environmental awareness, influenced our decision to enter the UK market at this time.

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