The “Innovation in Vacuum Busch Award” goes to the Norwegian company MRPC (Marine Roll & Pitch Control) for its innovative buoyancy control system to stabilize ships, offshore wind turbines, and other floating units. TYR rotary lobe blowers and SAMOS side channel blowers from the Busch Group are used in this system.
MRPC is a subsidiary of the AXTech Group, which specializes in customized heavy lifting and handling equipment for the maritime and offshore industries.
The award-winning system minimizes the roll and pitch movements that operating equipment is exposed to at sea. This is especially important for vessels where heavy lifting or winching operations are carried out. The system ensures that the vessel remains within the range of acceptable tilting so that these operations can be performed safely. This is achieved by rapidly filling and emptying ballast tanks using large volumes of seawater. Compressors and vacuum pumps from Busch make it possible to adjust the volume in the tanks very quickly by generating overpressure to empty them and vacuum to fill them, thereby keeping the vessel in an acceptable position. In addition, fast-acting valves and a control system with advanced algorithms allow the system to compensate immediately.
The buoyancy control system developed by MRPC is reliable, safe, energy efficient, and suitable not only for ships but for all types of floating units. Wind turbines, for example, can also be effectively kept in balance by this system. As the tilt of a wind turbine plays a major role in maintaining its performance, it ensures higher productivity and a longer turbine life.
Sami Busch, Co-owner and Co-CEO of the Busch Group, handed the award over to the engineers from MRPC, saying: “With the help of vacuum technology, you have found an innovative and sustainable answer to the challenges posed by strong waves at sea. We would like to honor you with the ‘Innovation in Vacuum Busch Award’ for this pioneering problem solution.”
Busch presents the “Innovation in Vacuum Busch Award” once a year. This award honors individuals or companies that make use of vacuum technology with particularly innovative ideas, thereby benefiting people and the environment. The “Innovation in Vacuum Busch Award” was first presented in 2013 to mark the 50th anniversary of Busch Vacuum Solutions.

About the Busch Group
The Busch Group is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps, vacuum systems, blowers, compressors and gas abatement systems. Under its umbrella, the group houses three well-known brands: Busch Vacuum Solutions, Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions and centrotherm clean solutions.
The extensive product and service portfolio includes solutions for vacuum, overpressure and abatement applications in all industries, such as food, semiconductors, analytics, chemicals and plastics. This also includes the design and construction of tailor-made vacuum systems and a worldwide service network.
The Busch Group is a family business that is managed by the Busch family. More than 8,000 employees in 44 countries worldwide work for the group. Busch is headquartered in Maulburg, Baden-Württemberg, in the tri-country region of Germany, France and Switzerland.
The Busch Group manufactures in its 19 own production plants in China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Romania, South Korea, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the USA and Vietnam.
The Busch Group has an annual consolidated revenue of close to 2 billion Euro.
Media Contact
Dr Fabian Fahlbusch
Head of Content and Communications
Busch Vacuum Solutions
Schauinslandstrasse 1
D-79689 Maulburg, Germany
+49 (0)7622 681 – 3379