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Detection offers best protection to birds

Over a year ago, an article about the Polish Bird Protection System (BPS) was published in PES Wind. Throughout this time, Bioseco has been improving its system, testing its effectiveness and expanding operations in Europe, working with global players. Now in 2022, the company offers upgraded versions of BPS, a system that reduces bird mortality and makes the wind industry not only green, but ensures biodiversity is maintained while fulfilling environmental obligations.

Protecting birds against collision: is it really so important?

One of the most threatening aspects of biodiversity in the operation of wind farms are bird collisions. Blade tips can spin at speeds of over 400 kph and are hardly visible to birds. Depending on the location and rotor size, a single power plant might kill several birds each year. 

According to scientist calculations, the susceptibility of birds of prey to collisions (Accipitriformes) is 0.07 individuals per turbine per year (Thaxter et al. 2017). With 100,000 onshore wind installations currently in Europe, annual bird death rates can be estimated at 7,000 birds of prey in Europe alone.


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