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Developing international excellence

Global Wind Power’s Simon Leed Krøs is well versed in the ways of wind energy, having helped his company to score a string of successful developments in Eastern Europe and beyond. In this exclusive interview, he takes a look at where (and why) the company has met challenges and exceeded expectations.

PES: Welcome to PES. Let’s begin by taking a look at 2012. What are your thoughts about the second half of the year with regard to your organisation, and the wind industry in general?

Simon Leed Krøs: At Global Wind Power, our efforts continue to be focused on developing, implementing and managing wind turbine projects throughout Europe. We will be especially busy in terms of implementation of our Romanian wind turbine projects which combined account for around 200 MW. This includes our largest ever project, a 70 MW wind park positioned in Eastern Romania known as the Galati region.

As it is always the case in a development company, we are continuously experiencing new challenges in relation to our projects, not least those on an emerging market such as Romania, but we believe our local staff and international experience provide the right mix to come up with solutions for the project obstacles which will surely keep appearing as we move on in the implementation of our many projects across Europe. We are, however, already well on our way in the implementation of our projects.

As an international developer, we are aware that ever growing competition on our range of markets, especially on more mature markets such as Germany and France, challenges us to continuously develop and improve our services as well as our communication and coordination with customers and partners to make sure we range among the best positioned suppliers of wind turbine projects.


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