With wind turbines helping the world
shift to a greener energy supply, more
and more environmentally-conscious
manufacturers – and their customers
– are interested in utilizing a greener
transportation mode to get their wind
turbines to their destination. CN is in a
strong position to support this important
emerging market, with a shipping solution
that is truly seamless, and a definite
green advantage.
Emissions reduction is an integral part of
CN’s day-to-day activities. The railroad’s
new EPA Tier 2-compliant locomotives
produce approximately 40 per cent
less nitrogen oxides than unregulated
locomotives and consume up to 20 per
cent less fuel. In fact, CN can move one
tonne of freight 197 kilometers on just one
litre of fuel. Automatic stop/start devices
shut locomotives down when they are not in
use, and a low-idle feature ensures engines
idle at reduced speed, conserving as much
as 10 litres of fuel per hour. Compared to
heavy trucks, shipping by rail offers a major
advantage in terms of emissions reduction
– rail has been shown to emit six times less
greenhouse gases than heavy trucks.
A lean, green, transportation solution