Smart turbines: embedded intelligence is the next engine growth factor for the automotive industry. Specialists estimate that in less than 10 years, the software element will represent 60% of the value of a vehicle, compared to 20% today. When you think about the pace of change in the wind industry today, we can expect a similar trajectory.
Both the wind and automotive industries are based on the design and manufacture of mechanical devices, even though neither size nor age can be compared. Over the last few years, the automotive industry has been confronted with an unparalleled digital disruption. From electronic engines driving to breakdown diagnosis software, it reached even deeper levels with the intelligent connected autonomous vehicle. Subjects as complex as data protection held by a vehicle soon emerged.
This evolution has been achieved through the integration of innovative software technologies, powerful data processing and AI, which are taking an increasingly important space in the vehicle value chain, and represent a potential business in terms of monetizable services. Without these developments, historical car manufacturers could have been on the verge of disappearing altogether, swept away by the new mobility solutions that are developing at high speed.
Such innovations do not necessarily come from the manufacturers themselves, but generally speaking, more so from their suppliers, or else even from innovative digital companies that have no historical link with the automotive sector. Digital giants like Google or Apple are now investing in this sector and considering launching their own vehicles.