Recent advances in inverter technology and retrofit Balance of System components can ensure optimal PV performance in even the most challenging climatic environments. But just how much of a difference can this new tech make?
Balance of System (BoS) technologies are developing rapidly to increase yields from PV plants which presents great opportunities for the young sector of operation and maintenance (O&M) as well as for new system installations.
Particularly, two key factors that threaten and compromise the yield of PV plants like ground faults and PID (Potential Induced Degradation) can be mitigated with the new BoS technologies detailed below.
Omron is strongly committed to this strategic area. Our technology includes:
Inverters with a circuit topology which prevents PID
A retrofit strategy compatible with all inverter types and array arrangements making it a simple correction for PID losses
A new product concept to decrease downtime and minimise site work for fault detection
In recent years, a significant increasing of (PID) occurrences in the field has been observed, especially for panels installed in tough climatic environments with high humidity, high temperature or close proximity to coastlines/sea water. Our inverters, equipped with Zigzag Connected Chopper (ZCC) technology in the DC/AC conversion module are capable of maintaining the negative pole of the PV array grounded without the use of an integrated transformer. This circuit topology prevents PID for all connected PV modules and is a fundamental design feature that eliminates the root cause of PID.