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Pioneering radiation research: Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions welcomes Röntgen Prize winner PD Dr. Johann Matschke

This year, the renowned Justus-Liebig University of Giessen (JLU) Röntgen Prize goes to cell biologist PD Dr. Johann Matschke from Essen University Hospital. The €15,000 prize money was donated by Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions and the Ludwig Schunk Foundation. JLU has been awarding the prize since 1960 in memory of the Nobel Prize winner Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who worked as a professor in Giessen from 1879 to 1888.

Asslar, December 4, 2024 – Radiation researcher PD Dr. Johann Matschke receives the prize for his research on the radiation resistance of cancer cells. His previous research identified important metabolic networks that allow tumor cells to evade the cytotoxic effects of radiotherapy.

Pioneering research into radiation resistance in cancer cells

From his findings, PD Dr. Matschke wants to derive new biomarkers for radiation resistance. “The impairment of tumor cell metabolism can thus lead to new points of attack for cancer therapies,” emphasized Prof. Dr. Sangam Chatterjee (Institute of Experimental Physics I) for JLU’s evaluation committee. On the day before the award ceremony, the scientist visited Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions and reported on his findings. Daniel Sälzer, Managing Director of Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions in Asslar, congratulated the award winner and highlighted the importance of vacuum technology for research and development: “Vacuum technology plays an important role in cutting-edge research. Generating the beam only works using vacuum, just like analysis using mass spectrometry. We are very excited to support this important research that can help cure diseases or delay their progression.”

Academic background of the award winner

PD Dr. Matschke studied biochemistry at the Ruhr University of Bochum from 2005 to 2010 and graduated with a doctorate in his research at Essen University Hospital on the identification of mechanisms of hypoxia-mediated radiation resistance. The award winner used his post-doctoral phase for two research visits to Technion in Haifa, Israel, to gain further qualifications in the implementation and bioinformatic evaluation of metabolome analyses using mass spectrometry. In his second post-doctoral phase from 2016 to 2020, he developed a research profile on the topic of cellular metabolism and radiation response. Since October 2020, the scientist has led a junior research group on the topic of cell metabolism and radiation response in the research group of Professor Dr. Verena Jendrossek at the Institute of Cell Biology (tumor research) in Essen. The German Society for Biological Radiation Research (DeGBS) awarded PD Dr. Matschke the Dieter-Frankenberg Award for Young Talent in 2020.

About the Busch Group

The Busch Group is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps, vacuum systems, blowers, compressors and gas abatement systems. Under its umbrella, the Busch Group houses three well-known brands: Busch Vacuum Solutions, Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions and centrotherm clean solutions.

The extensive product and service portfolio includes solutions for vacuum, overpressure and abatement applications in all industries, such as food, semiconductors, analytics, chemicals and plastics. This also includes the design and construction of tailor-made vacuum systems and a worldwide service network.

The Busch Group is a family business that is managed by the Busch family. More than 8,000 employees in 44 countries worldwide work for the group. Busch is headquartered in Maulburg, Baden-Württemberg, in the tri-country region of Germany, France and Switzerland.

The Busch Group manufactures in its 19 own production plants in China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Romania, South Korea, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the USA and Vietnam.

The Busch Group has an annual consolidated revenue of close to 2 billion Euro.

Media Contact Details

Sabine Neubrand
Public Relations Manager
Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions
Berliner Strasse 43
35614 Asslar, Germany

+49 (0)6441 802 – 1223