www.stockcall.com/ offers investors comprehensive research on the solar energy industry and has completed analytical research on Evergreen Solar Inc. (ESLR 0.99, +0.01, +0.83%) and SunPower Corporation (SPWRA 13.78, +0.02, +0.15%) . Register with us today at www.stockcall.com/ to have free access to these researches.
The Solar Energy Market sector is primed for huge growth during the coming years. If the industry can acquire $100 billion in private-sector investment, it’s predicted that solar energy capacity could grow to 4.2% of the U.S. electric supply by 2020. The cost of solar equipment has fallen 50% in the past two years, increasing margins and making the product more viable for residential and commercial buyers. This combined with governmental support should help continue to propel the industry forward. From 2009 to 2010, the industry grew 80% to 12.9 GWs production worldwide. Register now at https://stockcall.com/development/stockcall/page.php?name=register.html to have free access to our reports on the solar energy industry.
www.stockcall.com/ is an online platform where investors doing their due-diligence on the solar energy industry can have easy and free access to our analyst research and opinions on Evergreen Solar Inc. and SunPower Corporation; investors and shareholders of these companies can simply register for a complimentary membership at https://stockcall.com/development/stockcall/page.php?name=register.html
There are several factors that will ultimately determine which company will be successful within the industry. Companies that have either kept production costs down or produced solar panels with high levels of efficiency have proven to be strongest thus far. However, competition with China is proving to be a major factor as low production costs and governmental support are benefiting Chinese companies and American companies that have moved some of their production there. Visit www.stockcall.com/ to see how companies in this industry have grown over the past years and how they are expected to perform in the future.
China currently sells 40% of the panels in California. U.S. solar companies are hoping to compete by taking advantage of the growing levels of American protectionism with consumers and are marketing their products as “Made in the USA.”
Two solar energy market players that are based in the U.S.A and set to release their earnings in a bit are Evergreen Solar Inc. and SunPower Corporation. Evergreen Solar is scheduled to post its results on November 1st, whilst SunPower Corporation will be doing so later on November 11th. Evergreen Solar Inc. and SunPower Corporation research reports are accessible for free by registering today at www.stockcall.com/ESLR261010.pdf or www.stockcall.com/SPWRA261010.pdf.
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