Press Releases

Found 12150 Results

Ref Welcomes Pyry Study On Wind Intermittency

The Renewable Energy Foundation (REF) today welcomed the new Pöyry study on the effects of wind intermittency on European power markets. The report by the global consultancy Pöyry places special emphasis on the implications for the proposed European super-grid, and for investment in and operation of conventional generation, which must be retained for reasons of… Read more »

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High-strength frame bonding within seconds

The photovoltaic industry is striving to increase productivity while lowering manufacturing costs. With a new generation of elastic adhesives and sealants based on silane-modified polymers, Henkel is now making it possible to attain significantly higher process speeds during automated frame bonding of crystalline solar modules. Unlike conventional adhesive and sealant systems, the new products Terostat… Read more »

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wpd to Erect First Wind Farm in Poland

In March already, the wind park developer and operator wpd has begun with the construction of two smaller-scale wind farm projects in Poland. The Słupca wind farm (4.8 MW, Enercon E82 and E53) is situated in the voivodship of Greater Poland, the Czyżewo wind farm (6 MW, Gamesa G90) in the voivodship of Lebus. Both… Read more »

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Aggreko mobilises 200 MW emergency power for Japan

The Tokyo Electric Power Company Incorporated (TEPCO) has signed a Letter of Intent with Aggreko stating that it intends, subject to negotiation of definitive terms, to award Aggreko a contract for the rental of 200 MW of emergency power. The contract would be for 100 MW of gas-fired and 100 MW of diesel-fired generation, and… Read more »

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Solar park in Italy achieves above-average yields with aleo modules

aleo modules have achieved above-average power yields in one operating year at a solar park in the province of Marches: Roughly 10,000 aleo type S_18 modules (in output classes 225 and 230 watts) produced 1,301 kilowatt hours per kilowatt of nominal output from September 2009 to September 2010. As such, 2.3-megawatt solar park in Corinaldo… Read more »

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Report analyses technologies and methods used to build profitable Offshore Wind Farm

Whilst offshore wind is booming in many countries, offshore wind farms require additional capital investment due to more expensive marine foundations, integration in to the electrical network, and installation procedures in addition to limited access for O&M during operation. The new Offshore Wind Installations and Constructions Report published by Wind Energy Update has found that… Read more »

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Solar thermal technologies to take precedence at Clean Energy Expo China 2011

As one of China’s key focus in clean energy, the sustainable development of solar thermal technologies will receive significant emphasis at Clean Energy Expo China with the debut of the integrated Solar Thermal China 2011 exhibition and conference. The event organizers are riding on the Chinese government’s initiatives in promoting both solar thermal heating and… Read more »

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Gas-Cooled Roots Pumps. High Differential Pressures with Low Power Consumption

Pfeiffer Vacuum has overhauled the gas-cooled Roots pump OktaLine G. Large pressure ranges and maximum compression ratios are the ideal site of operation for this pump. The pumping speeds range from 250 to 12,000 m3/h. It is ideal for all low and medium vacuum, such as in the coating and semiconductor industry, in chemical and… Read more »

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Smart Efficiency with HARTING smart Power Networks

The 64th HANNOVER MESSE takes place in Hanover from April 4 to 8, 2011. This year’s overall theme is Smart Efficiency, and companies will be presenting solutions for the intelligent interplay between costs, process and resource efficiency at 13 international sector shows along the industrial value creation chain. France will be the HANNOVER MESSE Official… Read more »

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Wagner Solar UK Offers a Helping Hand to Japan

Wagner Solar UK Ltd, the UK branch of German solar power and solar heating supplier Wagner & Co Solar Technology; is pleased to announce they will donate 3% from the sales of SANYO modules during the entire month of April, to the relief and development organisation World Vision for Japan related causes. All new orders… Read more »

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