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The man for safety.

Jonas Urlaub is the new Product and Branch Manager at Kübler.

“I would like to develop innovative products for the drive technology and go on presenting the Kübler Company as a reliable partner for safe motion and position generation.” These were Jonas Urlaub’s well-defined objectives as he started working at Fritz Kübler GmbH in Villingen-Schwenningen. This clear and concise formulation also defines his field of activity. He is Branch Manager for drives and Product Manager for the Safety area.

This 31 year old functional safety engineer, who studied at the University of Cooperative Education in Karlsruhe, has ample experience in these segments. Before joining the specialist for position and motion sensors and counting and process technology, Jonas Urlaub worked at SEW-Eurodrive, also as a Product Manager
Originating from Solingen, he already feels perfectly well in the Black Forest, and he looks forward “to the new challenge in an owner-managed medium-sized company.” The idea of leading to success a new product range such as the safety technology appealed to him, especially since Kübler is for years at the forefront in this.

And the first impression obviously was right. “Short decision paths, support wherever needed and nice colleagues – what else could you want?” is his satisfied conclusion after his first weeks.


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