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The Evolution of Wind Power

The team behind wind power software Breeze has built a free interactive infographic map showing the cumulative installed wind power capacity per country and continent from 1981-2013.

Drag the slider or push play to see the how the global wind power capacity distrubtion changes between nations over time. It might come as a surprise how dominant Denmark and the US were back in the 1980’s and how small the wind power industry was. ‘The Evolution of Wind Power’ map also illustrates how wind power capacity has evolved between continents, clearly showing the tremendous growth in Asia in recent years at a pace that few expected.

“What we do at Breeze is visualizing data in ways that makes it more accessible, more useful and easier to understand. ‘The Evolution of Wind Power’ is an example of how existing data sets can be presented in a new way which can lead to insights. Building over 300 GW of global wind power capacity in 30 years is an amazing accomplishment for our industry and we are certain there is much more to come.” says Breeze co-founder and Head of Marketing Fredrik Larsson.

Breeze is a software platform for modernizing wind resource assessment and wind farm management for professional wind power developers, consultants, owners and operators.

See The Evolution of Wind Power at http://www.breezesystem.com/resources/wind-power-capacity-map/

About Greenbyte
Greenbyte is a software company in the renewable energy sector. Our customers range from wind farm developers to owners and operators withassets such as wind turbines, met mast or remote sensing devices. Their common need is to understand and make sense of large sets of data.