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Storage & Solar Briefing: Energy storage solutions turn the market upside down

he market research experts at EuPD Research hosted the “Storage & Solar
Briefing” in Stuttgart for the second time. Alongside the technical
possibilities of storage solutions, the profitability of such technologies
also formed one of the central topics of the discussion. Whilst the market
is growing as a whole, the absolute market volume still remains limited,
despite the fact that more and more end customers are seeking information
from manufacturers and installers. The branch now wishes to improve this

Bonn / Stuttgart. Storage system manufacturers came together for the second
time in Stuttgart for the “2nd Storage & Solar Briefing” to discuss the
latest market developments and analyse the chances and potentials of this
young and growing market. Alongside market experts and analysts from the
organisers EuPD Research, the most significant manufacturers also
contributed their market perceptions and strategies to the discussion. As
part of the network meeting, the co-initiator Intersolar announced their
plans to intensify activities within the sector, and revealed that the
specialist trade fair “electrical energy storage” (ees) would be taking
place from 2014 onwards as part of Intersolar Europe.

Successful market development: All a question of viewpoint.
The positive developments in the solar energy storage market were expressed
both by Martin Ammon, Senior Analyst at EuPD Research and Chief-Analyst
Markus Lohr. Although the concrete market volume remains relatively modest,
the market development in the past 12 months proved to be quite promising,
says Lohr. There are currently around 5,000 storage systems installed in
Germany, and the existing market incentive program (Marktanreizprogramm),
which has been in place since May, has still not been entirely exhausted.
Most speakers viewed this reservation with regards to the use of storage
promotion with surprise; however, the complicated application procedure and
lack of information policy were both seen as reasons for this apparent lack
of interest. Borrowing banks, from which credits for storage systems were
often requested, were also often too reluctant and uncooperative in
providing these.

However, the German Solar Industry Association (BSW-Solar) was confident
that the available funds would be allocated correctly throughout the course
of the year. In order to grow the market in the future, discussions on
topping up the market incentive program are already being planned, as well
as an improvement of information policy for end customers and installers.
The Solar Industry Association wish to present all the most important
information on the special website: www.die-sonne-speichern.de. The
potential is great, but end customers want more information.

Analyst Markus Lohr illustrated how important targeted communication could
be: According to the results of a recent EuPD Research end customer survey,
almost every person interested in PV was aware of the availability of solar
storage systems, and every second respondent even stated that they had
considered installing one.

This huge potential has so far not been sufficiently activated by installers
or manufacturers. Only every third customer who requested an offer from an
installer actually had a system installed, and market analysts see extensive
room for improvement on the part of the manufacturers.

According to Markus Lohr, the expansion of existing systems is also a
profitable sector, but is often neglected. Despite all hindrances, such as
the currently still relatively high costs of purchase, the expectations of
end customers with regard to the return on investment are still quite
moderate. According to EuPD Research’s analyses, around 45 per cent of
customers are already satisfied when the return on investment of a PV system
with storage is slightly above positive. Activating these customers needs to
become the business of manufacturers and installers.

The event was supported by Intersolar Europe as co-initiator, RWE Effizienz
as premium partner and the International Battery and Energy Storage Alliance
IBESA. The organisers would also like to thank BSW-Solar, the German
CleanTech Institute, Berlin Brandenburg Energy Network, IPVEA, the global
networking initiative Joint Forces for Solar, Solar Valley
Mitteldeutschland, Solar Input, Solarcluster Baden-Württemberg, OTTI,
StoREgio, SEMI and VDMA, as well as the media partners Sun & Wind Energy, et
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen and the web portal Energieblogger.

The results of all EuPD Research findings, as well as the presentations held
at the “Storage & Solar Briefing 2013” are available from EuPD Research. If
you would like more information, please feel free to contact our press

About EuPD Research:

EuPD Research is an international service provider focusing on B2B market
research with a highly specialized multilingual interview center. We provide
our clients in Europe, Asia and the US with the entire range of qualitative
and quantitative research services. With the help of in-depth market
knowledge combined with methodological professionalism, we provide
practical, future-oriented business solutions and ensure that our clients
receive a return on their research investment. Our continuous research has
enabled us to develop particular skills in the field of renewable energy
sources, particularly in the field of solar energy.