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Solar module manufacturer Innotech Solar ramps up production

While numerous companies like Bosch and Siemens are backing out of the solar industry, the competitive environment of Scandinavian-German solar module manufacturer, Innotech Solar (ITS), has improved. The company is increasing its production in Halle/Saale in Germany and Glava in Sweden, allowing Innotech Solar to take the next step in achieving its full production capacity of 100 megawatts (MW). In the medium term, this capacity could be increased to 170 MW.

“The solar sector is still undergoing a process of consolidation. Many solar manufacturers are selling their photovoltaic modules below production costs, are fitting cheap components in response to price pressure and to avoid disappearing from the market completely,” reports Dr. Thomas Hillig, Vice President Module Sales and Marketing at Innotech Solar. “We, on the other hand, are able to survive successfully in the market thanks to our innovative production process. There is also an increase in demand for our European modules, because wholesalers and project planners don’t want to risk having to pay punitive duties on Chinese modules. The insolvency of many solar companies in the last few months justifies the need for anti-dumping duties. However, they could come too late for some players.” On June 6, the European Commission will decide on whether to impose provisional punitive and anti-dumping duties on Chinese solar modules.

Innotech Solar’s business model is based on creating cost advantages with innovative production processes: Research teams have developed a process that enhances the performance of low-efficiency solar cells by using thermal imaging to detect low-performing cell areas and then automatically isolating them with special lasers. After processing, the cells are thoroughly examined with more thermal imaging to ensure that they are free of hot spots, which would damage the solar modules and result in significant loss of profits.

Cell optimization takes place in Halle/Saale and the cells are assembled to modules in Glava, Sweden. Innotech Solar enjoys considerable cost advantages with its strategy of buying cheap, low-efficiency solar cells and economically restoring their performance to full capacity. This allows the manufacturer to use only the highest-quality components for its modules. Aside from buying EVA from the Japanese market leader, the company only uses components supplied by European brand manufacturers. ITS modules are particularly environmentally-friendly. Thanks to the unique production process, the carbon footprint of ITS modules is more than 50% below that of conventional European modules.

“Our unique business model wins the prize for the cheapest module costs. In the last few weeks, we have attracted many new customers who appreciate the fact that our modules offer high European quality in combination with a low carbon footprint,” explains Hillig. “We are now on the lookout for more distributors in the USA, Canada and Europe.”

About Innotech Solar The Scandinavian-German company is an international supplier of PV modules. Innotech Solar is specialized in the production of environmentally-friendly modules with optimized solar cells and makes use of innovative processes developed by in-house research teams. The carbon footprint of ITS modules is up to 74 percent less than that of conventional PV modules.

The two cell optimization plants in Narvik, Norway and Halle, Germany, are powered by hydroelectricity and a dedicated PV system. Solar modules are sold in Munich, California and Shanghai via local offices.
