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Solar Log Getting The Most Out Of PV Energy By Optimizing Usage

At the ecobuild 2015 from March 3 to 5 in London, Solare Datensysteme GmbH will present a wide array of solutions to manage PV power efficiently and optimize yields.

Solar-LogTM – Export restriction

Feed-in Management is one function of the Solar-LogTM Energy Management System. This function allows the amount of PV energy that is fed into the grid to be limited from 0 to 100% of the module output, making it possible to set up a fixed reduction. If the plant operator cannot use the PV energy for self-consumption – for example, an industrial plant on the weekend – the Solar-LogTM ensures that only the amount of energy allowed is fed into the grid. To accomplish this, the Solar-LogTM manages the inverters to limit the output for grid feed-in to the desired percentage. In some cases, a Utility Meter consumption meter is required in addition to the Solar-LogTM. There is also a failsafe option in case that the Solar-LogTM is offline. A power reserve relay is connected to the G59.

Solar-Log 250 – New Entry-Level Model

The Solare Datensysteme GmbH also will present the new Entry-Level Model Solar-Log 250. The Solar-Log 250 is the low cost failure and yield monitoring system for small plants. The new model is compatible with inverters from all the major manufacturers. One inverter with a load output of 10 kWp and up to three MPP trackers can be connected.

The inverter can be connected via RS485/422 or an Ethernet connection. A meter is able to set up as an inverter via the S0 interface and records the output from incompatible inverters. And with a USB stick is it possible to connect for safe and quick manual installations of new firmware updates, data enhancements and system add-ons.

Solare Datensysteme GmbH will be exhibiting at ecobuild 2015 from 3 to 5 March 2015 – Booth S1150.


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