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Rising Sun Solar Installs First JuiceBox Energy Storage System in Hawaii

San Jose, CA, USA, November 23, 2015 – JuiceBox Energy, a privately-held Silicon Valley company committed to providing safe, reliable, intelligent, and connected energy storage, announces the first Hawaii installation of its 8.6 kWh Energy Storage System with Rising Sun Solar on the island of Maui.

JuiceBox Energy partnered with Rising Sun Solar, one of Hawaii’s top home solar installers, to install the energy storage systems at the home of Brad Albert, Rising Sun Solar’s co-owner.

“By installing the JuiceBox Energy system at my own home, I’m showing my customers that I believe this is an invaluable product for Hawaii homeowners who want to guarantee utility approval, keep the lights on when the grid goes down and improve the return on their investment in solar.” said Brad Albert, co-owner of Rising Sun Solar. “Feedback from customers who have seen this system has been extremely positive, and we have now started selling JuiceBox Energy systems to our customers.”

With this residential JuiceBox installation, the owner will benefit from:

· Customer Self Supply – meet the requirements of the Hawaii Electric Companies for non-export PV plus storage

· Peak Shifting – shift excess solar production from daylight hours to night time and minimize or eliminate grid reliance

· Out-of-the-box integration to the XW+ inverter to eliminate in field programming

· Real-time monitoring and control through a cell modem and web interface

· Back-up power in event of grid outage


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