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PSE AG delivers Solar Simulator to China

PSE AG delivers Solar Simulator to China Sunrain offers solar simulator for use in Chinese research, free of charge

Freiburg, February 18th, 2013 – Sunrain Solar Energy Co. Ltd, in Lianyungang, China, presented PSE AG’s Solar Simulator ST8 to Chinese researchers in December, 2012. Solar energy experts from all over China attended a Sunrain conference to learn about the advantages of the test stand, which will allow the company to develop solar panels and thermosiphon systems more quickly and efficiently. Sunrain announced that testing with the solar simulator will be available free of charge to Chinese researchers.

Jan Steinmetz, Project Manager at PSE AG, was present at the dedication ceremony in Lianyungang: “We expanded our Solar Simulator ST8 to include a testing function for thermosiphon collectors, as these are especially important for the Chinese market. Chinese solar researchers were excited at the prospect of being able to use the test stand free of charge.”

A solar simulator irradiates solar panels under laboratory conditions with a spectrum of light nearly identical with sunlight. This means that measurements can be performed and reproduced under precisely defined conditions, independent of climate. PSE’s specially developed solar simulator can test both solar thermal collectors and thermosiphon systems. Thermosiphon systems use the force of gravity: sun-warmed water rises to the top of a tank, where it is used, and new, cold water flows to the bottom of the tank. Sunrain is the world market leader in thermosiphon systems, which are used widely in China as well as in many other countries around the world.

Use of the automated solar simulator for thermal collectors means short testing times and exact reproducibility of single test runs. All parameters can be set, saved and reloaded through the central control. The test surface and lamp field can be positioned by a central control from 0° to 90°. Using the solar simulator, Sunrain is now able to continuously test and optimize newly developed systems.

About PSE AG
PSE AG provides solar testing systems and consulting expertise to customers around the world. Solar Test Stands are used by test labs and manufacturers for performance and durability measurements and certification to international standards. The PSE business unit Solar Consulting conducts projects in rural electrification and manages international research projects. Within the section Conference Management, PSE organizes major scientific solar conferences.
PSE AG was established in 1999 as a spin-off company from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and currently has a staff of 65.