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PROINSO presents PV-DIESEL hybrid systems with sizes from 300kVA to 6MVA


  • The multinational firm bids strongly on R&D and resources to boost sales of this power generation system that is increasingly being used in emerging countries where power is normally produced by combustion engines.
  • Asia, Oceania and South America are priority markets to PROINSO, whose hybrid systems have been warmly welcomed in Brazil, Japan and, especially, India. The PV-DIESEL hybrid systems supplied by PROINSO have been presented in leading trade shows in these countries.
  • The sizes range from 300kVA to 6MVA. They can help reduce diesel consumption by 66,000L/year in a 300kVA engine. How much fuel consumption is saved depends on the power of the engine, the project location and how many hours it is on.
  • The PV-DIESEL systems by PROINSO feature modules from leading international brands, inverters and smart fuel save controllers from SMA, and structures from MECASOLAR.

14 October 2013.PROINSO, leading global supplier of PV solar products, bets strongly on R&D and is working to increase sales of PV-DIESEL hybrid systems, which combine PV panels and a diesel generator as a backup power source.

The fuel save controller is a smart solution that allows users to switch the diesel engine on and off so that most of the system power is covered by PV energy. The system detects when solar energy is generated and automatically switches the engine off, which helps save diesel delivering PV energy. In this way, system stability is not compromised and power generation is ensured.

PROINSO has announced that South America, Asia and Oceania are its priority markets for the hybrid solution, which is selling very well in India, for example. The company presented its PV-DIESEL system this past summer in the leading renewable energy trade shows held in Brazil, Japan and India. PROINSO has an International Network of Qualified Installers with 2,407 members who can sell and install the hybrid solutions in all five continents.

The PV-Diesel systems by PROINSO include modules from leading brands, three-phase or central inverters from SMA, a fuel save controller from SMA also, and structures from MECASOLAR. In addition, PROINSO does the installation sizing to estimate the PV nominal power in kWp that should be used considering the power (kVA) of the diesel engine available.

PROINSO’s PV-DIESEL hybrid systems can be used with diesel engines from 300kVA, which admit a 210kWp PV installation, to 6MVA, which require a 4.1MWp panel installation. This solution can operate with five engines in parallel.

‘The main advantage of these systems,’ say company sources, ‘is that they reduce diesel consumption, which means they are cost-effective and help reduce CO2 emissions.’ The PV-DIESEL systems from PROINSO help users save from 66,000L/year with 300kVA engines and a 210kWp PV system operating 365 days a year, depending on radiation zone, installation dimensions, and number of hours the engine is on. ‘Using hybrid solutions protects users from fuel price rises and fuel shortages,’ they add.

As shown in the graphics and table below, money saving and payback depend on the radiation zone and the price of diesel, including transport and storage costs. For instance, with diesel costing €1.6/L, there is a 2-to-4 year payback in a radiation zone of 1800kWh/kWp (5.48 kWh/m2*day) to 1200 kWh/kWp (3.65 kWh/m2*day).



  • 300Kva to 6MVA.
  • 60% of maximum genset capacity (in parallel).
  • Maximum 5 engines in parallel.
  • Includes top-quality modules, SMA inverters and FSC kit, and MECASOLAR roof structures (all bankable products).
  • Admits SMA Sunny Tripower and Sunny Central CP-XT series inverters.
  • 110 to 240VAC voltage (50 … 60Hz) 

With the smart technology featured by the system, PV elements perfectly integrate to the genset. The PV-DIESEL hybrid systems produce power at lower costs and more efficiently than systems made up of combustion engines only.

  • Cost reduction due to lower fuel consumption.
  • Lower impact of fuel price rises or power shortages tanks to planning optimisation.
  • Reliable power supply 24/7/365, with a combination of PV panels and diesel engines.
  • Users can still use the diesel gensets installed in their facilities, as the new systems adapt to previous installations.
  • Considerable reduction of annual diesel consumption, lower diesel generator maintenance costs; some engines can even be done away with.
  • Lower genset load means longer life cycle.
  • No power storage needed (optional).
  • More safety and higher power quality for machines/loads.
  • Lower electricity costs, ensuring lower production/operation costs.
  • More adequate compliance with with renewable energy purchase obligation (RPO).
  • Hybrid systems can be used to generate renewable energy certificates (REC) exchangeable at power exchanges.

ABOUT PROINSO www.proinso.net

PROINSO specialises in the supply of PV modules, solar kits, inverters, structures and solar trackers, solar solutions for urban applications in public areas, vehicle recharging stations, self-consumption installations, stand-alone PV power systems and monitoring systems.

With international markets accounting for 88% sales, PROINSO has branches in Spain, Germany, Greece, Italy, USA, Great Britain, Canada China, Brazil, Australia, Japan, South Africa and India. Recently, the company opened a new branch in Mexico.//