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PPROINSO to provide e-learning to Qualified Installers

PROINSO and ALECOP have signed a cooperation agreement to start e-learning activities in the PROINSO SOLAR TRAINING SCHOOL programme.

This innovative action in the photovoltaic retail industry is targeted at the 2,360 Qualified Installers in PROINSO’s International Network, present in 70 countries in all five continents, who will have the chance to get online training.

The e-learning platform will be launched with different courses like ‘Installing PV self-consumption power solutions’, and four other options on the design, installation and maintenance of PV installations.

4 June 2013. PROINSO – leading supplier of solar PV products – and ALECOP – firm specialising in the design, development and start-up of learning solutions in the field of technology – have signed an agreement to provide new e-learning courses to be included in the PROINSO SOLAR TRAINING SCHOOL international training programme for installers of solar PV applications.

Under this agreement, PROINSO will offer a value-added service to the 2,360 Qualified Installers in its International Network, who, from any region in the world, will be able to benefit from online training for a large part of contents in the company’s training programme. Since the Qualified Installers in the International Network are based in 70 different countries in all five continents, the new e-learning platform by PROINSO will be very useful to them.

‘The PROINSO SOLAR TRAINING SCHOOL offers updated training based on professional experience from leading companies in this industry, giving installers access to lifelong learning. The e-learning platform is a new service we are offering to our Qualified Installers. This way, we can bring our training programme to the more distant points on Earth, which is good for both the installers and us, because we can be sure they get updated information on the latest PV solar products and technologies,’ said PROINSO Marketing Manager Teresa Marticorena.

The initial courses to be offered by PROINSO on its online platform will last 20 to 60 hours. The courses are:

* Solar PV installation project development (60 hours – online)
* Solar PV installations (60 hours – online)
* Calculations for free-standing PVSE installations (20 hours – online/on site)
* Design of solar PV installations (40 hours – online)
* Installations for self-consumption net-metering power solutions (40 hours – online)

To access the learning platform, installers will have to visit http://proinso.icteduca.com , which features additional contents.

Initially, the courses will be available in Spanish, targeted at installers based in Spain or Central and South America. It is worth mentioning that these are American markets with an interesting potential, because the solar PV industry is expected to develop considerably and it will require skilled installers. In later stages, courses will be available in English as well.

Currently, at the company they are considering the possibility of adding new contents, involving subjects such as energy efficiency and sustainability, or aspects of thermal, mini wind or mini hydraulic energy.

Qualified Installers will get a diploma certifying that they completed the courses and are qualified in the areas under study. Additionally, the training programmes will earn them points that can be redeemed with the PROINSO PLUS loyalty programme (http://itplus.proinso.net).

PROINSO SOLAR Training School

For two years now, the PROINSO SOLAR TRAINING SCHOOL has been developing and structuring a large portfolio of learning programmes focusing on aspects of renewable energy, especially PV solar energy.

The programme relies on cooperation agreements with leading training centres that have run PV solar courses for years in Italy (ICIM), England (EcoSkies), Greece (OIKONOMOTEXNIKH), France (Lycée Eugène MONTEL), Canada (Canadian Solar Institute, CSI), USA (Solar Energy International, SEI), Mexico (Kanndas Institut) and Spain (CEFOIM). PROINSO collaborates with them in the design of comprehensive courses and contents for solar PV installers and provides specialised technical materials. All the training centres PROINSO works with deliver official courses complying with national regulations in their countries.

In addition, the PROINSO SOLAR TRAINING SCHOOL organises seminars and workshops together with leading manufacturers in different countries. The seminars are conducted by professionals at PROINSO, manufacturing companies or businesses in the Network of Qualified Installers, who explain the latest innovations and new technologies.

With all these initiatives PROINSO is offering a means to improve professional qualification in line with the needs of the International Network of Qualified Installers.

ABOUT ALECOP www.alecop.com

A member of MONDRAGON Corporation, Alecop, S. Coop. specialises in the development and distribution of projects and products for improving learning quality, designing, developing and starting up technology-based learning solutions – e-learning, online or online/on-site courses – in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable construction and telecommunications.

Alecop is the leading developer of educational resources in Spain. Among other sources, the firm gets knowledge from MONDRAGON Corporation, which has different learning centres specialising in basic training, management training, continuous education, language learning, as well as applied research, higher education or business incubator centres, and the University of Mondragon.

All of these learning centres and institutions have ties with the outside world and business models adapted to learning institutions as core management elements. In this sense, Alecop has several R&D teams who work closely with learning or industrial professionals, which places the firm in a vantage point when it comes to identifying the needs of modern society’s learning-business fabric.