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Photovoltaic challenges in Lebanon

Best performances of Omron Inverter in Lebanon, where frequent electricity cuts make any photovoltaic installations more complex.

Photovoltaic business in Lebanon is very challenging: the government is strongly committed to renewable energy and energy efficiency, but power grid is unstable and frequent electricity cuts makes any photovoltaic installation more complex.

Main push for solar business comes from NEEREA, “National Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action”, the national financing mechanism initiated by the Central Bank of Lebanon (Banque du Liban-BDL) dedicated to the financing of green energy projects in the country. It provides low interest (less than 1%) long-term loans to residential, commercial, non-profit and industrial users for all energy efficiency and renewable energy projects for new and existing facilities.

Increased used of Net Metering, which allows the flow of electricity both from the grid to the customer and from the customer’s facility to the grid through a single bidirectional meter, is also a tool from the government to push private customers towards energy independence. Net Metering allows a balance between the electricity produced by the customer and given to the grid and the electricity coming from the grid to the customers, so that the “prosumer” (a consumer who has also a production plant) pays just for the excess energy taken from the grid.


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