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Parat Halvorsen wins major contracts in German renewable energy sector

Norway’s leading supplier of steam and heat solutions, Parat Halvorsen, has made a major breakthrough in Germany’s rapidly developing renewable energy sector with the delivery of two of its unique 20MW 10kV electrode steam boilers to Infraserv Höchst in Frankfurt.

The contract, comprising complete boilers with control system, instruments and pumps, underscores Infraserv’s growing awareness of the potential offered by Germany’s developing market for secondary regulation. In addition, it reflects Infraserv’s pioneering work in realising a large scale electrical boiler plant on the 460 hectare industrial park in Höchst, where more than 90 companies employ around 22,000 personnel.

Overall, Germany’s wind energy sector employs around 118,000 people with the German Wind Energy Association representing approximately 1,100 manufacturers, suppliers and service providers, 2,100 operating companies and 15,000 investors.

Installed renewable electric power contributed 22.9% to Germany’s total power generation capacity in 2012, according to the “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Ministry_for_Environment,_Nature_Conservation_and_Nuclear_Safety” “Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety” Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. More than 24,000 wind turbines across Germany account for 8.33% of overall generating capacity.

The Parat boilers are scheduled to become operational towards the end of April. They will be used for steam production to the 16 barg steam network and will be offered for balancing load in the secondary regulation market. The two new boilers are particularly compact and use a total of only 50m2 in the existing boiler house.
Parat’s IEH electrode boiler has been designed and developed by the company’s in-house engineers and manufactured in its workshop in Norway for more than 20 years to a compact design of up to 50MW in one unit. It allows users to switch from cold to full load in less than 15 minutes, with 30 seconds from minimum to full load. Minimum load is below 2%. Significantly, there is no current to earth, no electrode wear and the boiler requires only minimum maintenance.


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