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New Standards in the Solar Module Inspection

Innovative Electroluminescence Technology Provides High Efficiency Gains in the New Solar Module Production

Automated inspection using state-of-the-art camera and software technologies significantly increases high-quality yield and reduces manufacturing cost in photovoltaic production. Especially electroluminescence (EL) inspection opens up new dimensions to detect damages that are invisible to the human eye. ISRA SOLAR VISION, a worldwide leading supplier of affordable state-of-the-art inspection systems, presents a new generation EL inspection for solar modules. The groundbreaking technology provides the industry’s fastest electroluminescence inspection with the most accurate defect classification resulting in the lowest false detection and false downgrading rates. Solar manufacturers benefit from the application of the new SOLARSCAN-YIELDMASTER EL inspection through a reduced production of defective or underperforming cells and modules. This leads to a three percent increase in maximum-quality yield and remarkable cost savings through less material loss. This way, the innovative inspection technologies support the PV industry in fully exploiting all cost-saving and efficiency-raising potentials.

ISRA SOLAR VISION’s new generation of high-speed in-line YIELDMASTER EL-Module inspection systems is able to detect and classify a large spectrum of attributes including visible and invisible cracks, shunts, dark and in-active cells, scratches, broken pieces, pollution, material defects and soldering defects on solar modules. In addition, the system provides the characterization of cells and modules in industrial mass production with unrivaled detection rates and repeatability. Solar module manufacturer benefit from this revolutionary technology as it allows the highest reliable distinction between material defects such as dislocations, changes in the material, foreign objects, and process defects (cracks, finger interruptions, low efficiency regions, mechanically broken cells, soldering and contact issues, low efficiency cells etc.).


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