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meteocontrol is the first PV service company to exceed the 10 GWp mark for monitored solar power

Augsburg, 23.04.2015 – With more than 10 GWp of monitored power, meteocontrol GmbH is the front-runner among the inverter-independent providers of PV monitoring systems. Around 37,500 PV systems are currently monitored in the safer’Sun and Virtual Control Room (VCOM) portals. The total area of these systems corresponds to 3,746 soccer fields. Around 3.8 nuclear power plants the size of the Gundremmingen plant in Germany would need to be hooked up to the grid to cover the total power. The PV systems are primarily monitored with the proven data loggers WEB’log and the new blue’Log X series. meteocontrol can, however, also add data from different systems from third-party providers to the central platform. In addition to remote monitoring of commercial PV systems with its Industrial Line, meteocontrol also offers product solutions for the private sector. The company has been successfully active on the market for more than 30 years and, thanks to its many years of experience, offers sophisticated product solutions and comprehensive services.

meteocontrol is a member of SFCE Shunfeng International Clean Energy Limited and is headquartered in Augsburg. With subsidiaries in Moers, Milan, Lyon and Madrid, a sister company in the United States and numerous partner companies, meteocontrol is internationally active and has so far been involved in projects with a total investment volume of more than 13 billion euros. The focus of its product developments and services is on the grid-specific and country-specific requirements for implementing feed-in management. With its blue’Log X data logger series recently launched on the market, meteocontrol also offers a system that makes monitoring even more secure and efficient. Live measured values ensure quick response times and maximum yield assurance.

About meteocontrol

meteocontrol, EU headquarter based in Augsburg, Germany and APMEA headquarter based in Shanghai (China), with offices and branches in Lyon (France), Madrid (Spain), Milan (Italy), Concord (U.S.A.) and Moers
(Germany) offers energy and weather data management, yield reports, quality audits and technical due diligence as well as monitoring and technical operations management of PV systems of all sizes. meteocontrol has more than 30 years of expertise in renewable energy systems and has so far been involved in projects with a total investment volume of more than 13 billion euros. The company currently conducts technical operation management for systems with a total power of around 500 MWp.
In addition, meteocontrol is the market leader for professional remote monitoring of PV systems. meteocontrol monitors around 37,500 PV systems around the globe with a total power of over 10 GWp. meteocontrol is a member of SFCE Shunfeng International Clean Energy Limited.

Further information: www.meteocontrol.com