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meteocontrol GmbH alliance with viasys

Augsburg / Frankfurt a. M., 02.06.2014 – meteocontrol GmbH, a leading vendor of professional remote monitoring for photovoltaic systems, has entered into an alliance with viasys, a global provider of security solutions, services and technology. The aim of the strategic alliance is to integrate the video portal from viasys into the Virtual Control Room (VCOM) monitoring system. This solution is being shown for the first time at Intersolar 2014 in Munich, Germany.

The alliance between the two companies will provide operators and owners of photovoltaic plants with a consistent and uniform solution for remote and video monitoring of their PV operations. meteocontrol is integrating the video alarm system from viasys Intelligent Video GmbH into the VCOM Virtual Control Room monitoring system for large-scale PV installations and power plants. Whenever system operators or technical managers log into the meteocontrol VCOM portal, they automatically have access to the viasys portal as well. A ticket system coordinates, documents and reports the alarms from VCOM as well as those from the viasys portal. “In viasys we have found the perfect partner to further optimize our monitoring system,” says Martin Schneider, Managing Director of meteocontrol, “because linking both systems through a single sign-on will significantly boost efficiency for our customers. After single sign-on, they have an immediate overview of both technical and security-related messages.”

Both companies are presenting the new solution at Intersolar in Munich from June 4 to 6, 2014:
viasys – Hall B2 – Stand 260
meteocontrol – Hall B2, Stand 387

About viasys

The viasys Intelligent Video GmbH is developer and manufacturer of integrated video alarm systems and protects utility scale and large rooftop pv plants against theft and vandalism. Video alarm systems from viasys are in the field of Security for outdoor areas in industrial and commercial areas for more than 15 years. 
Our concept for securing pv installations is based on a perimeter security, ie protection of the fenceline by video technology with intelligent motion detection. Once the integrated video alarm system detects a relevant movement, such as an intruder, the alarm image will be transmitted to a professional monitoring centre / ARC via DSL / UMTS / satellite. They immediately initiates predefined intervention measures and documents the incident. 
Currently 900 + MWp in more than 260 pv plants in 12 countries as well as Service Management of alarm chain 24/7 is organized.

About meteocontrol

meteocontrol, based in Augsburg, Germany, and with offices in Lyon (France), Madrid (Spain), Milan (Italy) and Moers (Germany) offers energy and weather data management, yield reports, quality audits and technical due diligence as well as monitoring and technical operations management of PV systems of all sizes. meteocontrol has more than 30 years of expertise in renewable energy systems and has so far been involved in projects with a total investment volume of more than 12 billion euros. The company currently conducts technical operation management for systems with a total power of around 500 MWp. In addition, meteocontrol is the market leader for professional remote monitoring of PV systems. meteocontrol monitors around 35,000 PV systems around the globe with a total power of over 8.8 GWp. meteocontrol is an S.A.G. Group company.

Further information: www.meteocontrol.com