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High Workboat Demand In Offshore Wind Sector Provides Military Benefits

Lessons learned from the prolific increase in building workboats for the offshore wind farm sector can benefit the military user, according to CTruk CEO Andy White.
Andy told the audience at a Royal Institute of Naval Architects conference entitled Warships 2015: Future Surface Vessels that developments in vessel design, construction and operation as a result of the demanding requirements of the offshore wind sector could translate to future procurement of military craft.
Because of budgetary pressures, naval customers were looking for substantial through-life savings in operating, training, maintenance and support of their craft. Craft built for the wind farm sector were already delivering those benefits, as evidenced by the performance of composite vessels from Essex-based CTruk, which has built nearly 30 boats for the sector.
A key element in delivering those savings was CTruk’s unique flexible pod system which has enabled wind farm service operators to reconfigure boats for different roles.

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