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“Friends of Floating Offshore Wind” join forces to make the sector’s voice heard in both Scottish and UK markets

No less than 10 technology developers and associations (see the entire list below) gathered to found “Friends of Floating Offshore wind”, a group who will promote the interests of Floating Offshore Wind in Scotland and UK in order to create favourable conditions for the further development of the sector in these areas

Global climate change calls for increased levels of electricity generation from renewable sources, especially offshore wind. On many coasts, water depth increases quickly with distance from shore and even where the water is shallow, the soil properties may not be favourable for bottom-fixed foundations. Floating foundations for offshore wind turbines make development of these areas possible and projections show that they have the potential to become cost-competitive. This way a new industry is created that develops new local supply chains, creates local employment and opens first mover opportunities to export components and services.

Floating substructures for offshore wind are in different stages of development and despite showing promising commercial potential, still require support to become state of the art technology. And there are common challenges faced by the industry that need to be overcome on the road to commercialisation. The role of Friends of Floating Offshore Wind is to identify these challenges and suggest initiatives and mechanisms that will address them to facilitate the rapid commercialisation of floating wind. The intention is that floating wind competes on an equal footing with other low carbon sources of electricity generation by 2025.

At first, the members decided to direct their activities towards creation of support primarily at the governments in Scotland and Westminster. Several issues have been identified as key requirements for both demonstration and pilot projects, such as improving the consenting process, setting up a support mechanism as well as introducing regulations that allow for the preferential reservation and connection of demonstration projects to the electricity grid.

For more information, read the “Founding Manifesto” of the association.


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