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Floating offshore wind central to Scotland’s future, says First Minister

FM says floating offshore wind is an ‘era-defining opportunity’ that will support economic growth, improve public services and help Scotland achieve a net-zero energy system

First Minister John Swinney today (Wednesday, October 9) opened Floating Offshore Wind 2024 in Aberdeen stating how renewable energy can drive green growth and make Scotland a more progressive and prosperous country.

In his address to the conference, co-organised by Scottish Renewables and RenewableUK, the First Minister told how clean energy will be ‘at the centre of his vision for Scotland’s future as a modern and dynamic nation’.

This year’s Floating Offshore Wind conference looks at the global opportunity on offer to developers and suppliers and how industry and key stakeholders can help deliver projects, including Scotland’s 20GW pipeline, that will play a significant role in delivering our future clean energy system.

First Minister John Swinney said:

“The North East has been at the heart of Scotland’s recent industrial story, becoming synonymous with the innovation that had fuelled our economy. Now we need it to be the powerhouse of the renewables revolution – and in doing so it will transform our economy once again.

“The Scottish Government is working with developers, industry and academia to make the most of this era-defining opportunity – to use green growth to build a robust wellbeing economy that benefits everyone. No sector better exemplifies this ambition for purposeful collaboration than floating offshore wind.

“Along with other sources of clean energy, floating offshore wind is central to my vision for Scotland’s future as a modern and dynamic nation. My government is focussed on ending child poverty, supporting economic growth, improving public services and achieving a net zero Scotland – and I am clear that a thriving renewables sector is central to meeting all of these objectives. By working together, I know that is what we can deliver.”

Colin Palmer, Director of Offshore at Scottish Renewables, said:

“With more than 2,000 people in attendance, it is a privilege to have the First Minister open Floating Offshore Wind 2024 and give his full backing to a technology that is set to play a major role in our future energy system.

“Scotland has the most seabed dedicated to developing commercial floating offshore wind anywhere in the world giving us a once in a lifetime opportunity to create a major new sector that is set to become the mainstay of electricity generation in the UK.

“Floating offshore wind will not only play a major role in helping both the Scottish and UK Governments meet their clean energy ambitions, but it will provide a significant boost to the economy, see local communities across the country benefit from fresh investment and deliver the energy security that a home-grown clean energy supply will bring.”


  • More information on Floatring Offshore Wind 2024 is available, here.
  • Free to use photos of the First Minister speaking at the event are available, here.

Media Contact:

Ewan McInnes
Media Manager
E: emcinnes@scottishrenewables.com
M: 07719 069 961