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FLiDAR joins NORCOWE Consortium

FLiDAR join forces with the Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE) in the quest for cost and risk reduction within the offshore wind energy marked.

NORCOWE, the Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy, today announced it has accepted FLiDAR, a leading provider of floating LIDAR based measurement solutions, as a new Consortium partner.

“We welcome FLiDAR as new member in the Consortium”, said Kristin Guldbandsen Frøysa, Managing Director of NORCOWE. “FLiDAR will add valuable competence based on their commercially proven technology for accurate Lidar measurements from robust buoy platforms. This complements existing key expertise in NORCOWE within areas such as measurement technology, meteorology, oceanography and numerical modeling. The cooperation with FLiDAR will strengthen our ability to provide innovative solutions to the wind energy industry, with the aim to simplify and reduce cost for offshore wind resource assessment and to lower uncertainties and risk involved with construction, operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms.”

FLiDAR N.V. is a joint venture established between 3E and OWA (DEME group), to build, service and commercialise a floating LiDAR based measurement device to enable a shift from the reliance on fixed offshore met masts in assessing the potential wind resource for offshore wind farms.

It combines the experience of 3E, an independent consultant with more than 12 years of experience in offshore wind, OWA, a daughter company of DEME, the LiDAR supplier Leosphere and the buoy supplier Mobilis. FLiDAR has been providing commercial services to large utility clients since August 2012.

Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE) is an interdisciplinary resource center for the exploitation of offshore wind energy as a natural and sustainable energy resource. The centre was founded in 2009 as one of now eleven centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) with funding from the Research Council of Norway, and is hosted by Christian Michelsen Research AS in Bergen.

NORCOWE’s partners cover a wide range of subject fields related to offshore wind energy, and several are international leaders in their fields. The center encompasses areas such as resource mapping, modeling and measurements of the marine boundary layer, marine operations, operation and maintenance, wind and wake effects in wind farms, layout design of wind farms. NORCOWE research focus and modeling expertise covers a wide range, from fine-scale CFD to the meso-scale.