- Slewing platform and A-frame on their way to the shipyard
- Component installation on Alfa Lift will be supervised by Liebherr experts
- Heavy Lift Crane HLC 150000 designed to meet current and future challenges in offshore operationsIn the afternoon on March 7, 2021, the deck cargo ship BigLift Barentsz left the Liebherr site at the port of Rostock with two remarkable, giant crane components ready for installation. The white painted slewing platform, as well as the characteristic A-frame of the upcoming Heavy Lift Crane HLC 150000, are now on their way to being assembled on OHT’s next-generation offshore wind foundation vessel Alfa Lift. With its unique combination of features, the Liebherr HLC series will be a key element for installing current and future wind farms around the world.
Rostock (Germany) March 2021 – Following their arrival in China, the slewing platform and the A-frame will be the first crane sections to be assembled on the Ulstein designed offshore installation vessel Alfa Lift. The tandem lift of the two large components was realized at the Liebherr site in Rostock using two strong representatives of their kind: the LR 11350 crawler crane and the TCC 78000, once again proving the importance of this powerful rail-mounted heavy-duty gantry crane. Due to the lifts taking place directly at the quay, the transportation vessel was able to start its journey by taking the shortest route to the Baltic Sea. The slewing platform and the A-frame will be assembled on Alfa Lift at the shipyard of China Merchants Heavy Industry (CMHI) in the province Jiangsu, close to Shanghai. When the installation of the two components is finalized, the boom will be delivered just-in-time to complete the HLC 150000.
First main components of Liebherr HLC 150000 ready for installation on Alfa Lift