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EWC extrapolation of wind generated electricity in the EEX gap

Karlsruhe, 12/06/2013. As renewable energies are becoming more and more important, meteorological data in analysis and forecast has become very significant for the electricity market. Due to innate fluctuations of renewable power production and it`s difficult forecast for the spot market, which are concerned with a cost risk for balancing energy, a considerable part of trade is shifted to the intraday market. Highly topical forecasting-updates for today and extrapolations for the last hours, which EWC Weather Consult from Karlsruhe already supply leading trading companies with, are therefore indispensable tools of the members of the electricity market.

Predicting the wind and the resulting performance is manageable – providing an accurate forecast promptly is extraordinary. The weather specialists of EWC dedicate themselves to this aim even more now: The extrapolation of wind electricity published by the EEX-transparency platform always shows a gap of 2 to 3 hours. Now EWC closes this information gap for the short market analysis – with hourly updates of the prediction. The results of these calculations are collected from machine learning techniques including live-production data of hundreds of wind power stations in Germany and the integration of a wealth of meteorological data and models.

Jon Meis, meteorologist and the CEO of EWC, says: „This system, optimised for the electricity market, is able to predict the wind power generation for intraday-trading for the next 2-3 hours even more precisely as from weather model forecasts only”.

Example for traders and analysts. Visualized by our cooperation partner Seven2one, specialist for the efficient data management in the energy trade.

Contact for more information:
EWC Weather Consult GmbH
Internet: www.weather-consult.com
Infoline: +49 (0)721-663 23 0
Fax: +49 (0)721-663 23 23
eMail: info@weather-consult.com