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EUROSOLAR – The European Association for Renewable Energy – celebrates its 25th year

At the initiative of Hermann Scheer, around 100 individuals founded the European Association for Renewable Energy in Bonn exactly 25 years ago. EUROSOLAR invited its members to join in celebrating this special occasion in Bonn on August 24, 2013.

Founding members, representatives of EUROSOLAR’s international sections, the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) and EUROSOLAR’s Board of Trustees presented their views of EUROSOLAR’s past 25 years. Addresses by EUROSOLAR supporters in the German Bundestag and the European Parliament followed. Attorney and author supporters gave interesting speeches which provoked stimulating discussions on EUROSOLAR’s future active steps and tasks. Some of the guest speakers, first and foremost, Professor Peter Droege, EUROSOLAR’s President since 2011, made some predictions of what the future would bring in current and future controversial issues.

EUROSOLAR was set up in 1988 to work independently of political parties, institutions, and companies in pursuit of a vision: substituting fossil fuels and nuclear energy systems with a sustainable, peaceful and renewable energy-based supply, founded on decentralized local resources close to the citizens. In his speech at the founding conference on 22 August 1988, Hermann Scheer and Honorary President of EUROSOLAR (1944-2010), stressed: “Anyone who has his eyes wide open about all conventional energy supply sources must see that humanity has no choice but to pursue the introduction of renewable solar energy as quickly and widely as possible.” To realize his visionary goals he founded EUROSOLAR, supported by a group of like-minded citizens, scientists and politicians who shared his concerns, a quarter century ago.

Speaking to an international audience of over 100 guests, Managing Director Irm Scheer-Pontenagel stressed: “After more than two decades of commitment EUROSOLAR has achieved successes for renewable sources of energy in all areas and at all levels. The not-for-profit has influenced energy and environmental policy and has inspired the creation of a social and cultural movement for renewable energy.”

Professor Peter Droege looked ahead in his introductory speech and said: “We build on this tradition. The next 25 years will be crucial on our path to a renewable Europe. The ecological and economic advantages of the historic energy switch will become the central concern of our societies. More people than ever will benefit from EUROSOLAR’s reliable and forward thinking. We will continue to direct our priorities towards expanding renewable energy rapidly, for a fully renewable energy-based supply, nationally and globally. This will save massive costs, secure new economic power, and counter escalating financial, energy and climate crises.”

EUROSOLAR rounded off its anniversary celebrations by presenting the new publication “25 Jahre EUROSOLAR – Von der Initiative zum Vorreiter, Von der Vision zur Praxis” – a chronology of EUROSOLAR’s first 25 years: from initiative to pioneer, from vision to practice. It provides a detailed portrait of EUROSOLAR’s history: the path leading up to its founding, first activities and first successes, the development from the electricity feed-in law to the renewable energy sources act (EEG). The chronology further sets out the different responsibilities arising after the EEG was introduced in 2000, which marked a new stage for renewable energy and hence EUROSOLAR. It concludes by portraying the latest developments in terms of the Energiewende post Fukushima.

Read more about the program and the event: www.eurosolar.org