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Eu Pvsec 2016 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference And Exhibition Takes Place In Munich Germany At Icm International Congress Center

  • The most important international Conference in the field of Photovoltaics in 2016
  • EU PVSEC 2016 – Call for Papers open
  • Abstracts for Conference Contributions to be submitted until 05 February 2016

Munich, 16 December 2015 – Next year’s EU PVSEC 2016 will take place from Monday to Friday, 20 to 24 June 2016 at ICM – International Congress Center, in Munich, Germany, in co-location with Intersolar Europe Exhibition (22-24 June 2016) at Venue Messe München.

The EU PVSEC invites the leading international PV specialists to be part of the EU PVSEC Conference to present their latest results and innovations to specialists and decision-makers from around the globe. The 2016 EU PVSEC programme further develops the successful format from previous years. The EU PVSEC provides a unique platform to present new R&D results and analysis, while also encouraging active participation of industry experts, analysts, and policy makers.

Dr. Nigel Taylor, European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, and Technical Programme Chair, on behalf of the EU PVSEC Scientific Committee: “In 2015 the event was again the world’s largest PV research event with 2,538 participants from 79 countries. The programme in 2016 covers the full PV value chain, with a focus on the most recent scientific and technological developments.” Current developments in photovoltaics were inserted by the International Scientific Advisory Committee to improve focus further.

EU PVSEC 2016 Conference Topics:

  1. New Materials and Concepts for Solar Cells and Modules
  2. Wafer-Based Silicon Solar Cell and Materials Technology
  3. Thin Film Solar Cells and Modules
  4. Concentrator and Space Applications
  5. Operation, Performance, Reliability and Sustainability of Photovoltaics
  6. PV Applications and Integration
  7. PV Economics, Markets and Policies

Call for Papers for EU PVSEC 2016 – Abstracts for Conference Contributions to be Submitted until 05 February 2016
PV solar experts will meet in Munich to discuss new concepts, trends and developments in science and industry, as Photovoltaic solar energy becomes a major electricity source on the world stage. The EU PVSEC continues its focus on relevant applied and policy-oriented topics. The international Conference programme is structured in keynote, plenary, oral and visual presentations and covers the entire range of PV research, technologies and applications, providing an open forum for the latest scientific, technological and market-related breakthroughs. At the EU PVSEC 2015 more than 1,300 contributions have been presented.

Similar to this year, all submitted papers will be published on-line on the EU PVSEC proceedings website. The proceedings are indexed by INSPEC. Papers in the conference proceedings are coded by a digital identifier (DOI code) provided by the German National Library of Science and Technology. This guarantees an unequivocal and permanent identification and citability. For contribution to the 2016 Conference Programme authors from around the globe are invited to submit an abstract latest 05 February 2016.

For further information, please visit: www.photovoltaic-conference.com

EU PVSEC Background
EU PVSEC took place at different venues in Europe since 1977. As the world’s leading R&D conference, it serves as the international meeting point for PV experts from research, development and from industry, with presentations dedicated to Photovoltaics of the future, addressing the latest technologies and most innovative materials, the policy framework, and the medium and long-term strategies and potentials. EU PVSEC is the interface between science, industry and policy makers.

The EU PVSEC is supported by European and International Organisations such as UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Natural Sciences Sector, WCRE – World Council for Renewable Energy, SolarPower Europe, SOLARUNITED – Solar Power Generation and Energy Storage Technology, ESA – European Space Agency, EREF – European Renewable Energies Federation, EUFORES – The European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources, REN21 – Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century, IEA-PVPS – International Energy Agency – Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, EU PVTP – European Photovoltaic Technology Platform, EUREC – The Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres, ARE – Alliance for Rural Electrification, AIE – European Association of Electrical Contractors, CABA – Continental Automated Buildings Association, EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium, SASIA – Saudi Arabia Solar Industries Association.

The Conference programme is coordinated by the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre.