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Energy storage: Only a few installers actively offer storage solutions in other European countries.

While the German market for photovoltaic storage is slowly picking up pace, other markets are still lagging behind. However, in other European countries, such as Great Britain and Italy, the issue of storing generated electricity is turning into a real alternative to feeding the grid.

Bonn. The approach of installers towards the new technology is a good indicator for the market success of photovoltaic storage. A survey by market and opinion researcher EuPD Research shows, that home-owners, who are interested in energy storage, trust their installers’ opinion when choosing a certain system. The market development of storage systems up to now and the approach of installers towards the new technology were analyzed for the „European PV Storage Market Insights 2014″.

Currently the expansion of storage in many European markets is hindered by to the uncertainty of the technological progress of the systems. However, due to decreasing or expiring funding the photovoltaic market is facing a paradigm shift. The future demand for systems, which are aimed at self-consumption by using energy storage, will increase. The analysts from EuPD Research believe that successful, practical experience, reference projects and progress in research and development will further strengthen the reputation of storage systems.

“Over two thirds of surveyed installers in Germany already offer storage systems. Germany is therefore well ahead of the other countries in the European comparison. After the expiration of the photovoltaic funding the Italian installers are now discovering the business segment of storage”, Dr. Thomas Olbrecht, the head of the market research department at EuPD Research explained. Furthermore, Olbrecht adds, a third of the companies are planning to actively offer their customers storage solutions in 2014.

The British market for storage solutions is hardly developed. “Currently only a minority of British installers offers storage systems, but a third of those questioned intend to include storage solutions for photovoltaic systems in their product portfolio this year”, Angelika Leiss, project manager at EuPD Research, states. The main obstacle for British installers is the currently still relatively high purchasing price.

The comparably low electricity prices are affecting a fast market development in France. The results of EuPD Research show that French installers will not offer considerably more storage systems in 2014 when talking to customers.

Installers in the Benelux still have to catch up in regards to storage solutions. Angelika Leiss emphasizes that despite there being potential, one can currently not speak about an existing market. The photovoltaic market in the Benelux countries is dominated by private on-roof systems and high electricity prices, which offers a good prerequisite for the combination of photovoltaic and energy storage systems.

The complete results of the survey, including an analysis of the specific brand awareness of storage manufacturers, as well as the customer response regarding the new offer in Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Benelux and France can be requested here.

For further information please follow the link European PV Storage Market Insights 2014. In case you have questions about the offer or the results, please contact project leader Angelika Leiss on +4922897143 27 | a.leiss@eupd-research.com

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EuPD Research is an international service provider focusing on B2B market research with a highly specialized multilingual interview center. We provide our clients in Europe, Asia and the US with the entire range of qualitative and quantitative research services. With the help of in-depth market knowledge combined with methodological professionalism, we provide practical, future-oriented business solutions and ensure that our clients receive a return on their research investment. Our continuous research has enabled us to develop particular skills in the field of renewable energy sources, particularly in the field of solar energy.