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Conergy completed Twelve Projects, 105 MWp, in the Past Three Months

MILTON KEYNES/ MIAMI, 1 April 2015 – Conergy, one of the world’s largest and longest-standing solar companies, announced today that it has built and grid-connected twelve projects in the United Kingdom in the first quarter of 2015, bringing its UK total to 22 solar farms.

These 22 projects use nearly one million solar panels and have peak output of 230 MWp, enough to power more than 65,000 homes. The solar farms range in size from 2.8 MW to 37.2 MW and were mostly built on low grade agricultural across southern England and Wales.

In the last three months, Conergy connected 100% of its planned solar farms on time to make the 1.4 Renewable Obligation Certificate deadline. As of April 1, 2015, the ROC policy incentive will support only solar projects below 5MW in England, Scotland and Wales.

Conergy built the projects to the highest standards, easing the path to their sale. One of Conergy’s customers, and also an investor and partner, RWE sold the largest of the projects- a 37 MWp solar plant in Oxfordshire- to Foresight Solar Fund Limited, an investment fund that operates ground-mount UK solar power assets. Conergy sold most of the other projects to Magnetar, one of the top 50 alternative investment managers in the United States. Conergy will remain the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) service provider to ensure each project generates the electricity expected.

“We are very pleased to have completed this large portfolio of projects safely and on time,” said Alexander Gorski, COO of Conergy. “I’d like to thank both our customers and our development and construction partners for backing Conergy over the last fifteen months.”

“Conergy sees no limits to solar’s potential in the UK and we’ll continue to build support for solar’s development here,.” said Robert Goss, MD Conergy UK. “We will work with our development partners and network to reach and surpass the government’s target for solar of 4% of the energy mix.”

About Conergy
Conergy is one of the world’s largest downstream solar companies, specializing in the design, finance, build and operation of high performance solar systems for homes, businesses and utility-scale power. Founded in 1998, the company pioneered the expansion of solar power internationally, and today combines innovative technology, industry-leading engineering with access to capital. Headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, Conergy has a global sales network and established subsidiaries in 15 countries (Turkey became the 15th nation this week). The company is privately held and majority-owned by Miami-based asset management firm Kawa Capital Management, Inc.