Bulk carriers can now benefit from an Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration, which is specifically adapted to their flow needs. The bulker-fit configuration offers savings in footprint, installation, OPEX and especially CAPEX, yet it retains the high performance, easy operation and global service coverage PureBallast 3 is known for.
A growing number of ship owners are choosing UV ballast water treatment over electrochlorination, even for large ballast water flows. Today’s UV treatment competes easily on footprint and energy consumption, which makes advantages like chemical-free operation, zero corrosion risk and efficiency at low salinities and temperatures even more attractive. Until now, however, the move towards UV has been less noticeable among bulkers.
“Bulkers have a unique ballasting and deballasting profile, because they load and unload at significantly different rates,” says Peter Sahlén, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. “The PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration differentiates the two flows, which reduces CAPEX while preserving the many other advantages of UV treatment, such as lower OPEX. That gives bulker owners a strong alternative to electrochlorination.”
No ballasting overcapacity means less CAPEX
Bulkers often load their cargo at twice the rate they unload it, which means deballasting occurs at twice the ballasting speed. The PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration addresses this issue by independently dimensioning the reactor and filtration capacities. Since the filter stage is only needed during ballasting, it is dimensioned for the slower ballasting flow. This not only reduces OPEX and the already small system footprint, but also eliminates ballasting overcapacity and a substantial amount of investment cost.
“The PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration matches UV strengths to bulkers’ actual flow needs,” says Sahlén. “Bulker owners who have seen electrochlorination as the only fit for their operating profile now have cost-efficient access to the substantial advantages of UV treatment.”
Focus on vessel-specific solutions
The PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration is part of Alfa Laval’s wider strategy in ballast water treatment, which is to provide reliable compliance with the fewest limitations – in installation as well as operation. Increasingly, that means providing vessel-adapted solutions. Besides the bulker-fit configuration, Alfa Laval recently introduced a PureBallast 3 deckhouse solution with booster pump unit, which addresses both space and pressure issues on tankers without a pump room.
“Ballast water treatment is not a one-size-fits-all application,” says Sahlén. “PureBallast 3 is already the most adaptable ballast water treatment solution on the market, and we will continue to build our offering with specific answers for different vessel types.”
To learn more about the Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration and Alfa Laval’s approach to ballast water treatment, visit www.alfalaval.com/pureballast
You can also view the video online at: https://marine.alfalaval.com/alfa-laval-pureballast-3-bulker-fit
About Alfa Laval PureBallast
PureBallast, which was the first commercially available ballast water treatment solution, is a chemical-free technology sold and serviced by Alfa Laval. A vital component of PureBallast is the enhanced UV reactor, which was developed jointly by Alfa Laval and Wallenius Water based on Wallenius Water technology. All PureBallast systems are available with both IMO and U.S. Coast Guard type approvals.
About Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions based on its key technologies of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling.
The company’s equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes. The solutions help them to heat, cool, separate and transport products in industries that produce food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol.
Alfa Laval’s products are also used in power plants, aboard ships, in oil and gas exploration, in the mechanical engineering industry, in the mining industry and for wastewater treatment, as well as for comfort climate and refrigeration applications.
Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena. Alfa Laval is listed on Nasdaq OMX, and, in 2018, posted annual sales of about SEK 40.7 billion (approx. 4.0 billion Euros). The company has about 17 200 employees.