Press Releases

Found 13891 Results

Developing international excellence

Global Wind Power’s Simon Leed Krøs is well versed in the ways of wind energy, having helped his company to score a string of successful developments in Eastern Europe and beyond. In this exclusive interview, he takes a look at where (and why) the company has met challenges and exceeded expectations. PES: Welcome to PES…. Read more »

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Building firm foundations for offshore

The key to building a wind farm is industrialisation: projects should be scalable and commercially viable from the bottom up. It follows that perhaps the most crucial consideration in an offshore development, solid foundations can literally make or break a project We take a look at all the critical components to present an unmissable ‘user… Read more »

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Built to serve

As Managing Director of Seaports of Niedersachsen GmbH, Andreas Bullwinkel governs a port infrastructure that is perfectly-placed and optimally-equipped for the wind industry. The nine locations have benefited from massive investment, and that finance is starting to bear fruit for the European industry as a whole. We spoke to the German businessman. PES: Welcome to… Read more »

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Lennart Hagelqvist New CEO of DIAB

Anders Paulsson CEO of DIAB has requested to step down from his position as CEO and Lennart Hagelqvist will take over as CEO for DIAB Group. Lennart is currently at Perstorp where he has been an Executive Vice President since 2007 and was previously also EVP Operations. He is 53 years old and has broad… Read more »

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Edwards announces new high performance vac

Edwards Limited, a leading global supplier of vacuum and abatement equipment and services, has introduced the STP-iXR1606 series of magnetically-levitated turbo-molecular pumps (TMP) with a fully-integrated onboard controller. Edwards’ new TMP incorporates a revolutionary new rotary design that delivers approximately 40 percent improvement in throughput at high gas flow rates and an increase of nearly… Read more »

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EWEA 2012 first ever event to be labelled WindMade

UN Global Compact appoints WindMade Sustainability Partner of Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum WindMade will be the official Sustainability Partner of the UN Global Compact’s Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum, which will be held in Rio de Janeiro just ahead of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio+20 (20-22 June 2012). WindMade, the organization behind the… Read more »

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ECITB Certified Bolt Training for the Wind and Renewables Industry Now Available from the Experts

Ever mindful of the importance of the correct, efficient and safe use of its bolt tensioning and tightening tools, Tentec is pleased to announce the availability of Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) certified bolt training courses and qualifications for the Wind and Renewables industry. With the acquisition of the well-respected Aberdeen-based training company, Peak… Read more »

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Offshore wind power: AREVA technology chosen

As part of the call for tenders for offshore wind power in France, the French government has just awarded a contract to the consortium led by Iberdrola and EOLE-RES for the development of the Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor) wind farm, which was the most competitive field with three different technologies proposed. AREVA will build 100 turbines of… Read more »

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Trianel Wind Farm Borkum Aims Next Construction Phase Geoseas Jack Up Platform Returned Back To Base

Today GeoSea’s owned jumbo jack up platform Goliath returned back to base port after installing 120 tubular piles for the offshore wind farm Borkum (formely known as Borkum West II) during the worst meteorological months of the year. The German Bight is renowned for its potentially harsh wave and weather conditions which make offshore construction… Read more »

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“The 256Jet-S industrial printhead is unique in the market in that it was specifically designed for solar applications rather than adapted from graphic application uses,” explained Steve Liker, Business Manager at Trident Solar. “The printhead was designed for maximum durability in the inkjet deposition of aggressive solar materials and Trident is proud to stand behind… Read more »

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