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REFUsol India Adopts Advanced Energy as Official Name Following Acquisition Last Year

REFUsol, which Advanced Energy acquired in April 2013, will now operate as Advanced Energy in India.
Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq:AEIS), is a global leader in innovative power and control technologies for high-growth, precision power conversion solutions. With the acquisition of REFUsol, Advanced Energy incorporated the company’s three-phase string inverters into its product portfolio as the AE 3TL line. Advanced Energy offers a full suite of inverter products, ranging from single-phase string inverters to award-winning three-phase inverters and utility-scale central inverters. Advanced Energy inverters are available for worldwide distribution.

Advanced Energy India will now showcase a variety of innovative products, including market-leading string inverters and accessories with new names and designs. For example, the monitoring portal, formerly known as REFUlog, will become a part of AE SiteLink monitoring solutions, and the REFUsol 008 – 023K string inverter series will be known as the AE 3TL 8 – 23K. The same standards of quality and technology will be maintained: the AE 3TL inverter series will continue to be distinguished by high efficiency, reliability and ease of use